"How do we run? How do we run!"

"Are we going to die here?"

"Can't run away!"

All the Peacock Dynasty navies have already raised their despair.

Run and can't escape, hit and can't beat.


Many poisonous warships have raised white flags.

But even so, the shell has no eyes, and it is easy to completely defeat it.

In the blink of an eye, there were only 1500 warships left in the Peacock Dynasty.

The huge battleship of the Imperial Navy chased after them like shadows.

The sailors of the poisoned navy have completely broken down mentally.

Many people are chanting Buddha's name and want to pray for the blessing of the gods.

However, even a poisonous deity might have to avoid the artillery of the imperial battleship.

The gods abandoned them, but the artillery directly hit their bodies, turning them into a puddle of meat in an instant.

The smell of blood spread out on the sea.

There were sharks that started to surface, and then there were more and more.

It's not just the Imperial Navy that hunts.

And the scariest hunter in the sea!

The smell of blood is extremely easy to attract sharks.

And this piece of sea water has been stained red with blood.

The drowning sailor of the Peacock Dynasty fled in terror, but the next moment, his feet were bitten by a shark.

It's just that the number of sharks is not as good as the number of poisoned soldiers who fall into the water.

Moreover, these sharks only dare to be on the periphery, and dare not approach the battleship of the empire at all!

ps, my grandmother is gone and will be buried tomorrow. There are not many updates these days. Sorry, the update will resume tomorrow, and there is one more update today. .

Text Chapter 424 Credit

Sharks are also afraid of imperial warships.

After all, the Imperial battleship looks like a behemoth, and sharks are naturally afraid.

Therefore, the shark group only dared to swim in the periphery. After all, even in the periphery, there were many poisonous sailors who fell into the water.

These poisonous sailors didn't dare to fight against sharks at all. After seeing sharks one by one, they fled.

But the faster you escape, the sharks will catch you.

Many sailors of the Empire smiled when they saw this scene.

A standing straight, looking extremely young sailor, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He remembered what their instructor had said to them during training.

"If you come across a shark in the ocean, don't be afraid and stay calm."

"When he swims towards you, use all your strength to hit the shark's nose. The shark "Zero One Zero" is in pain and feels that it will hurt you if you eat it, so it will naturally run away."

It's just that in these poisonous soldiers, there is no courage to face sharks at all.

And, according to their instructors, this sentence was told to them by their invincible First Emperor, His Majesty.

When Ying Zheng went to see the navy, he naturally said this.

And this sentence is the words of the famous later Marine Corps.

Ying Zheng felt that this had a great positive effect on the establishment of the Imperial Navy.

But these sailors of the Peacock Dynasty can only be slaughtered like fish.

Tian Ze, on the other hand, reported to Ying Zheng about the poisoning of the Navy.

"Through the trade of merchants and merchants, and thus the investigation of the poisonous dynasty, we know that the poisonous navy has 3212 large and small warships and a total of 13 soldiers."

"Today, there are already [-] soldiers who have fallen into the water."

"They won't get any rescue, and the final result will only be death!"

Many Qin soldiers were indifferent to this.

It's just [-] people who died, there is no pressure on them!

After all, the soldiers of the empire have been fighting all year round, and the number of people who died in their hands has already exceeded one million!

Drowning these [-] poisoned people, they have no psychological pressure.

If the army wants to conquer the poison quickly, it needs to be cruel.

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