Moreover, the number of the Imperial Navy is not large, and it is impossible to tell the experience of taking care of these prisoners of war!

Although the killing of prisoners is ominous, for the soldiers of the empire, there has always been a habit of killing prisoners!

For example, according to the laws of the empire, generals can only be awarded titles if they have enough heads.

And often in a war, not so many heads can be obtained.

So there is the matter of killing prisoners. Only when enough heads are gathered can the remaining prisoners survive.

This is already the norm in the imperial army.

Back then, the biggest reason Wu Anjun killed [-] soldiers from Zhao State was because he led too many subordinates.

In order for these people to get all the credit, he killed all those who surrendered!

This may seem cruel, but for Qin Bing, it allows them to live a good life.

Therefore, surrendering in front of Qin Bing has always been a foolish choice.

But for the poisonous sailors, they have no choice but to surrender!

Invincible, unable to escape, it is better to leave their lives to the people of Daqin to choose.

Whether to kill or stay is up to the Qin people to decide.

When all the white flags were raised on those warships, everyone was looking at the direction of the treasure ship.

The lives and deaths of these people are completely in the hands of Ying Zheng.

Chapter 424 Credit-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The lives and deaths of these people are completely in the hands of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng looked at those people with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The surrender was quick, which is good."

"Then, I will leave them a way to live!"

"Also let them tell all their poisonous people after they go back!"

"His Majesty the first emperor of the Qin people, a more noble existence than their Buddha, is in danger of being poisoned."

"Whoever does not surrender, die!"

Ying Zheng's domineering words resounded on the sea.

None of the Qin soldiers felt that there was anything wrong with this statement.

They also felt that if anyone dared to disobey His Majesty the Emperor, he would die!

Not even surrendering to His Majesty the Emperor!

Whoever does not bow their heads, they will use the weapons in their hands to make them bow their heads!

Even the galloping road of the empire is a rope that binds the world, and the laws of the empire are so strict.

But no one wanted to betray the Empire.

Because everyone knows that as long as Ying Zheng reigns for one day, they will not only be able to live a better life, but also allow all Qin people in the world to gain respect!

Even that, this Qin man is just a slave who has committed crimes!

The strict laws of Da Qin may collapse after the unification of the world 0 ......

But now the empire is spreading poison.

The soldiers who have regarded war as an instinct are still fighting for the empire, and they want to obtain the highest glory.


Even the Great General Wang Jian was far from this position.

But many young generals have already overtaken them, and they have a chance!

They looked at the heads of those poisoned people, full of expectations.

After all, this is all genuine military exploits!

However, when His Majesty the Emperor spoke, there was nothing they could do.

"As long as we reach the land of poison, we can kill more people with poison!"

"At that time, we will get more credit."

"It is said that people who are poisoned are extremely weak, and they will not fight at all!"

"Such a country, even dare to say that it is the most powerful country in the world, it's really laughable!"

"The most powerful country in the world can only be Daqin!"

Many Qin people took pride and began to accept surrender!

This surrender has also become extremely difficult because it has to be carried out on a warship.

But three or five soldiers of the Emperor 3.2 Kingdom wore heavy armor and jumped onto the boat of the poisonous man. The poisonous man did not dare to have any resistance, and let the Empire bind their hands and feet.

These poisonous people have been killed without souls.

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