There were also some crew members who watched the Qin people come to accept the surrender, which was too small, and they couldn't help but grow wickedly.

"If we capture these Qin people as hostages, we may be able to escape from here."

"However, even if there are more than 30 of them, when facing the five Qin soldiers, they have no room for resistance!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, three people were shot to the ground by crossbow arrows, and then five Qin soldiers cooperated, killing ten people in the blink of an eye!

The remaining [-] people dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground, but they were directly cut off by the grinning Qin people.

30 heads, this is a lot of credit! .

Text Chapter 425 Build a port!

Those stupid poisonous soldiers actually wanted to rebel against the Imperial soldiers.

They feel that they have dozens of people, and Qin people only have five people after all!

However, after the fight, they realized how naive they were.

The most powerful of the Qin people is army combat, but the strength of individual combat is still incomparably powerful!

Moreover, this is the regular army of the empire, and its weapons and equipment are all the best, not the miscellaneous army in Zhao Gao's hands!

The regular army of these empires has long wanted to take the heads of poisonous people as their own credit.

Nai He wants to kill the prisoner directly, once it is found, the end will be extremely miserable.

On the contrary, these poisonous people wanted to resist, which gave them a good chance.

"It's the worst evil! Even if you beg for mercy, you won't leave a single one behind!"

"Kill! Thirty-two great heads, we only have five people to share, and everyone can share a good credit!"

"Haha! Poisonous people are too weak, they are just little angels!"

09 "Yes, poisonous people are innocent little angels. Their existence can give us more credit."

There is no doubt that many Qin people feel that they will get more credit after coming to poison.

Everything is because of the funny attributes of the poisonous person.

Poison people can be said to be a very naive group of people.

They will always live in their dreams.

This is the character of the poisoned person that has lasted for countless years and has never changed.

Even, this disposition has continued into the future.

Let the poisonous person have the saying of opening and hanging Asan.

However, although some people who were poisoned on the warship surrendered and were sentenced, the Qin soldiers who boarded the ship were happy to get a lot of military merit, and more people who were poisoned chose to surrender.

There is nothing they can do, because the Qin people are really too powerful!

This surrender lasted for a full two hours.

Ying Zheng just received the information from the surrendering soldiers.

"[-] surrendered, [-] wanted to rebel, and they were crushed."

"very good!"

"The poisonous navy, I am afraid that this time I have already wiped out everything."

Ying Zheng couldn't help feeling very satisfied.

The fight against the poisonous navy this time was a test of the imperial soldiers.

Now it seems that the navy of the empire should be the most powerful navy in the world!

No one can compete with the Imperial Navy.

As long as Ying Zheng is willing, the army of the empire can reach any corner of the world through the navy.

Soon, according to the poisonous man's report, they soon found the poisonous man's port.

This port is actually a port made of wood, and it needs to go directly to the sea through a wooden road.

On the coast, there are military camps for protection.

However, when the imperial battleship arrived here, the poisonous warriors on the coast were extremely shocked and ran out to see the big ships in the ocean.

Ying Zheng even had a bit of bad taste.

He just started giving orders.

"All warships, lined up!"

"A salvo!"

"Just use artillery to tell Ashoka of the Peacock Dynasty, my soldiers, have arrived here."

"If you don't surrender, you will die!"

Ying Zheng's words were extremely cold.

And the battleships of the empire are also laid out with the words.

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