Chapter 425 Building a port! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

And the battleships of the empire are also laid out with the words.

150 warships, enough to stretch for dozens of miles on the sea!

It's a pretty shocking scene.

And when ten thousand guns were fired in unison, the poisonous soldiers on the coast were instantly wiped out, without a trace of resistance.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.


The first to rush under the boat were the trained imperial cavalry!

Now this trip, the Empire can't bring many cavalry, so it brought three thousand Yu Lin Wei!

But there are many people who can ride horses.

Yu Linwei's youths, like cutting melons and vegetables, directly occupied enough open space, and the soldiers of the empire rushed down from the battleship and swept the entire beach!

In just ten minutes of battle, the soldiers of the empire have completely swept the place, and then the soldiers on the warship filed down.

Those poisonous prisoners were naturally driven down.

Ying Zheng looked at the beach.

"It is said that this is the port that the poisoned man has planned for many years."

"This is also a natural harbor. Even if a typhoon swept here, the warships in the harbor would not have any problems."

"This is really good."

"From now on, this is the port of the empire."

"It's just that this place is too simple after all!"

Ying Zheng was still sitting on the treasure boat and did not go down.

Below, the [-] people were enslaved by drugs, plus [-] people were caught on the beach, making a total of [-] people. Under the threat of the imperial soldiers, they came to repair the beach according to the requirements of the imperial soldiers!

These poisonous people couldn't understand how the imperial people asked them to dig the beach and then press the soil down a little bit!

These soils have long been hammered to be extremely strong, but the Qin people are still not satisfied.

That soil, a full hammer of two meters!

Then, those imperial people actually let them use gravel to continue hammering the land!

Then, another layer of soil!

Under this repeated hammering, in just one day, this beach has become the suggested port of the empire 077.

This is a port made entirely of bluestone, and the foundation alone is extremely solid!

Although this is still just a simple port, after all, there are 3 poisoned people as slaves. It will take about [-] days for this port to be completely built.

By that time, the Empire will be able to fully control the port.

In fact, the progress of the port construction was faster than Ying Zheng imagined.

It only took 2 days, and the construction was completed under the oppression of the imperial soldiers.

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking of the memorial that Zhao Gao wrote to him.

These poisonous people are the best slaves in the world.

"Poison people are indeed obedient enough."

"It is indeed a natural slave!"

"I, I'm really reluctant to give up on them."

Ying Zheng looked at everything on this beach.

Since the imperial army is going to be stationed here, then here, it is necessary to build a military village, or even a city!

This obviously takes a while!

Or, go and capture more poisoned people!

ps, the burial has been completed today, but I didn't expect it to be ten o'clock in the evening when I got home and cleaned up. I'm afraid the three chapters won't be updated, and I'm too tired.

Take a rest today, make up for it tomorrow, five more. .

Chapter 426: Town Slave Harbor! (1/5)

The buildings built by the poisonous people are too bad for the empire!

The empire has its own construction standards, and military facilities can be used for at least a few hundred years!

But the port built by this poisonous man is completely vulnerable.

As a result, it is natural to rebuild here.

Everything must be done according to imperial standards.

"At present, the army has [-] people, and this camp must accommodate at least [-] people!"

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