Qin people rarely suffer from these causes and effects, but Westerners are not afraid!

After all, many Buddha statues are made of gold!

In this case, it is nothing to be smashed.

It's just that when the statue of the goddess fell to the ground and turned into pieces, the faces of the slave soldiers in the Western Regions were full of regret.

There, apparently nothing!


The faces of the slave soldiers in the Western Regions were full of sighs.

Zhang Er sighed deeply in his heart.

If this Buddha statue is sold to Rome, it is destined to sell for a good price.

But now, it's just smashed.

This is also something that can't be done.

However, the metal statues in the other halls also aroused Liu Bang's ism.

Zhang Er knows the metal of these sculptures very well.

"These sculptures are all forged from bronze."

"This sculpture is the statue of Brahma."

"The one on the left looking at Brahma and holding the canopy is Indra."

"And the one who hugs left and right is Eros."

"On the left is Eros' wife, Roti, and on the right is another wife, Deli City."

"Look at this sculpture with special flower arrows in both hands and flying fish underfoot. The two wives are very flattering, as if dancing gracefully."

When Liu Bang heard what Zhang Er said, he felt that his head was getting bigger.

He is a ranger, how can he know so much.

"What, I don't understand, these sculptures are melted on the spot, made into copper ingots and transported away, and they can be forged into swords in the future!"

Zhang Er heard this, but was a little anxious: "No, such a good thing, how can it be refined like this?"

Liu Bang said, "What kind of good thing is this? It's useless at all. How many practical things can be forged with so much bronze? Most of the weapons of the Six Kingdoms could easily cut off the head of this sculpture, but in the end it was impossible to forge. They were all cast into twelve golden figures by His Majesty the Emperor"? "

Zhang Erdao: "You can't say that. We caught some Roman merchants a few days ago, and these merchants love these Buddha statues."

"They say the Romans revere the gods anywhere, so they want to invite the gods here too, and if we sell them this statue, they will definitely pay a good price."

"In this case, we will sell more value instead!"

Hearing this, Liu Bang couldn't help clapping his hands.

"If that's the case, then that's fine!"

"Move them all down and sell them all if the Roman merchants want them!"

Soon, this Tiannv Sanhua Temple was looted, and a raging fire rose!

Qin people don't want to leave anything for these poisonous people.

At the same time, Liu Bang also came to another temple.

"What is the Harmandir Temple? The name is too weird, but it looks richer than the Tiannv Sanhua Temple, and they have all been looted!"

Zhang Erdao: "In this Peacock Dynasty, the worship of Buddha is prevalent, and because men and women are different, they have to worship different temples."

"The previous temple was worshipped by women."

"And this one is all for men to worship, so you will find that there are also some weapons like swords and arrows in it!"

"The guards inside are also more aggressive."

When Liu Bang heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 431 Destroy one of the four ancient civilizations! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

When Liu Bang heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The things inside are definitely more valuable!"

At this time, Ying Zheng, who was on the coast, had no idea that Liu Bang would lead those bandits to sack Huashi City, the capital of the Peacock Dynasty, in the name of Da Qin.

If King Ashoka knew, I'm afraid his nose would be crooked!

And the Harmandir Temple they destroyed is the holy place of Buddhism.

This temple has been handed down to later generations.

This temple has also witnessed the rise and fall of body poison.

This temple was once a holy place of Buddhism.

However, in the 14th century, Buddhism gradually weakened from the poison of the body. Instead, foreign gods came to dominate here.

This temple has also become one of the five holy places of Sikhism.

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