And this Sikhism, the predecessor of Hinduism, is one of the gods.

The poison of the body has also been dominated by Buddhism from the beginning, and four ancient civilizations dominated by Buddhism have been formed.

By the late Hinduism, too much has been lost.

Later, Indians in the 21st century worship any god.

Even if someone puts a stone and says that this is a god, and bows down, a large number of people will follow him!

This is naturally because everyone wants to be a god!

However, Ying Zheng did not feel much ill will for Liu Bang's actions.

"'"Destroying all Buddhism is equivalent to pushing the ancient civilization of ancient India into the abyss."

"The poison is ancient, the ancient civilization is no longer, and it will be completely reduced to the legal civilization of the empire!"

"The Chinese civilization is also destined to rule this land!"

Ying Zheng, on the contrary, supported it.

He agrees with these people, like robbers, burning all the temples here!

Perhaps it was intolerable for those nobles and monks.

But those slaves who use the laws of the empire will feel that this is nothing.

They just went from admiring some sculptures to admiring and enshrining a living deity.

It doesn't make much difference to them!

"The ban on Buddha must be issued after the occupation of the body poison."

"It's just this matter that will be cursed after all!"

(Qian Wanghao) "Who is going to carry this pot?"

Ying Zheng thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao returned to Hami County in a hurry because of the defeat in the war. Although the edict from the central government has not been issued, Zhao Gao has already made psychological preparations.

After all, he was a disgrace to the Empire.

He has always longed for the opportunity to redeem his merits, and even sent many treasures from Hami County to Xianyang City.

He just hoped to be able to let go lightly.

Now, in the face of this dirty work, Ying Zheng thought of Zhao Gao again.

"Zhao Gao is indeed the most suitable candidate."

"He lost this battle, and has since avenged the temples of the Mauryan dynasty."

"It does make sense!"

"Liu Bang, perhaps he can also follow suit and take the blame with Zhao Gao."

Ying Zheng soon made a decision. .

Text Chapter 432 The army of one million arrives!

Town slave port.

After a long mobilization and hasty march, King Ashoka's army finally arrived at Zhennu Port.

At this moment, Zhennu Port, after several renovations by Qin people, has completely changed its appearance. Looking at the buildings in the port in the distance, the poisonous people who will only create some simple houses are deeply shocked.

"Wang, the Qin people on the opposite side actually built such a big project in a few days! They are so strong..."

Under the tent of the Chinese army, many generals with poisonous bodies were afraid.

King Ashoka was furious when he heard the words, and threw the whip in his hand fiercely on the general's face, and proudly looked around at the group of generals around him.

"No matter how powerful the Qin people are, they are only defeated by this king!"

"Now this king is on a personal expedition, raising a million troops, [-] cavalry, and [-] war elephants. With such strength, even if he destroys the country of Qin, it is more than enough!"

"If anyone dares to retreat, this king will send his family to the eighteenth hell."


In the tent of the Chinese army, Tian Ze came in a hurry.

"His Majesty the Emperor, Prince Ashoka led an army of one million troops to attack, and now the troops are already under the city!"

It can be counted!

Ben was lying on the soft 200 bed, closed his eyes and rested, Ying Zheng suddenly opened his eyes.

"Raise your troops and fight!"


In the big tent, Tianze complied with a bang, and immediately went out to send troops.

Due to fear of the Qin State's naval forces, the Maurya Dynasty's army did not approach Zhennugang. In the military tent, King Ashoka was discussing with a group of his men how to lead the Qin army to the camp.

"Report! The army of the Qin people has come to attack, and it is already two kilometers away!"

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