"What? Qin people dare to attack?"

"We have an army of one million! Has their emperor's head flooded? Are they going to use [-] people to attack our army of one million?"

Hearing the news, the ministers of the Peacock Dynasty were shocked.

King Ashoka, who was sitting at the top, was in high spirits and waved his hand to interrupt everyone's discussion.

"This is the gods bless our Peacock Dynasty. Since their first emperor is dizzy, then you follow this king to take the head of their Qin emperor..."

Two thousand meters is almost here, but Qin Nu's range has reached one thousand meters!

So, just when King Ashoka was fantasizing about defeating Qin and capturing Yingzheng alive, the war outside had already begun.

First, it was a round of Qin crossbow salvos.

When the two armies were [-] paces apart, the poisoned man charged forward with a short spear, but there was a dense rain of arrows in front of him.

After finally survived two rounds of arrow rain, the two armies clashed. The poisonous man who thought he could kill the Quartet encountered Daqin Ruishi, but he was pressed and beaten.

Many times, an old Qin soldier faced two or three poisonous soldiers at the same time, but he still managed to gain the upper hand!

Although there are millions of troops, the battlefield space is limited, and most of the troops are crowded in the rear.

A round of arrow rain caused a lot of losses to the poisonous people. At this moment, seeing the combat power of Daqin Ruishi, the poisonous soldiers were even more terrified, and the army was in chaos for a while.

King Ashoka took a group of his men out of the tent, and when he looked around, all he saw was his soldiers being chased and beaten by the Qin people like dogs.

"Bastard! A bunch of trash!"

"The number of people is several times larger than that of the Qin country, and they can still fight like this. What's the use of this king asking you to be a group of trash?"

Ashoka was furious.

Chapter 432 The army of one million arrives! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ashoka was furious.

"Why don't you send this king's elephant soldiers on an expedition! Eight thousand war elephants, even with their feet, can trample this group of Qin people to death!"

"When this war is over, this king will cut Ying Zheng's corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

hold head high!hold head high……

King Ashoka gave an order, and as the eight thousand war elephants joined the battlefield, the mountains shook for a while, and the entire battlefield became chaotic.

After all, a war elephant with poisonous people still has some merits. The war elephant is tall, and the ordinary infantry can't hurt the soldiers on its back at all. On the contrary, an accidental (ajad) will be trampled to death by the war elephant.

The addition of the elephant soldiers caused a lot of trouble to the soldiers of the Qin State for a while.

On top of the dragon-patterned black iron chariot, Ying Zheng stood by his sword, frowning at the elephant soldiers who were slaughtering all directions on the battlefield.

"Send Yu Linwei to lead Meng Tian to fight!"



In the central army of the Peacock Dynasty, the officials of King Ashoka were overjoyed when they saw the elephant soldiers slaughtering the Quartet.

"Your Majesty is wise! As expected, the elephant soldiers of my Peacock Dynasty are still powerful! With this heroic soldier, who will compete with each other in this world?"

King Ashoka was in high spirits, and said with a grim face: "This time he dared to offend me, this time this king will let him go back and forth!"

However, it didn't take long for a black torrent of steel to join the battlefield, and Yulinwei's flag rose up against the wind on the battlefield.

Wherever Yu Linwei passed, the poisonous human tools were not left behind. Even the elephant soldiers, who were originally a headache for the soldiers of the Qin State, were instantly suppressed.

"Kill! Yulin Yulin, the world is invincible..."

The soldiers of Yu Linwei brandished their spears and were invincible on the battlefield.

The elephant soldiers on the back of the war elephant can only attack with bows and arrows, and the bows and arrows have no effect on the Yulin guards, but the spears in the hands of the Yulin guards can easily pierce the eyes or heads of the war elephants and other vital points.

For a time, the battlefield was filled with the roar of war elephants falling to the ground.

Those [-] war elephants couldn't survive for three seconds before they were pressed and beaten by Yu Linwei, and they were about to be slaughtered!

"My God! This is a devil!"

"How could the Qin people have such powerful soldiers? Our elephant soldiers..."

The ministers under Ashoka's tent suddenly wailed, and the face of Ashoka on the throne was ashen.

I thought I could defeat Qin and capture Ying Zheng alive, but I never thought that it was me who would be defeated now!

He had no doubt that Qin Guo had such a powerful cavalry, even if he had an army of one million, it would be difficult to obtain benefits today. For today's plan, I am afraid there is only one way to retreat!

"Report! Fahrenheit City is in an emergency. Liu Bang of Qin led an army of [-] to attack Fahrenheit City. Our army suffered heavy casualties, and Fahrenheit City has fallen..."

Just when King Ashoka was thinking about how to retreat, news of the fall of Fahrenheit City came, instantly cutting off King Ashoka's back path.


King Ashoka fell on the throne, his face turned ashen for a while.

"Liu Bang child!"

King Ashoka gritted his teeth, wishing he could swallow this life who seized his nest while he was not there.

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