Fahrenheit City fell, and King Ashoka knew that he had no way out. He had to defeat the Qin people in front of him, and then return to take Fahrenheit City back. Otherwise, he would inevitably suffer the consequences of being attacked from both sides.

King Ashoka gritted his teeth and looked around at the generals.

"Follow this king, go to battle!".

Text Chapter 433 Buddha's Tribute

The sharp soldiers of the Qin army were unstoppable.

King Ashoka fought with courage and determination, but power and prosperity can corrupt a person's will.

When he saw that the poisonous soldiers were killed and fled in all directions on the battlefield, and the Qin army was prosperous, King Ashoka only felt that his hands and feet were cold, and the defeat was only in the line!


King Ashoka had only this thought left in his heart. He who once led the army bravely in battle was naturally very familiar with the war.

Defeat like a mountain!

If you wait for the military heart to collapse, then even if you want to leave, you will not be able to leave.

"Your Majesty, the Qin people are too aggressive, let's escort you away!"

Beside King Ashoka, a minister came to speak, his expression was frightened, and the two battles were obviously frightened by the Qin army.


Ashoka gritted his teeth.

"Your Majesty, no!"

"The Qin army is too aggressive. If it is ordered to retreat, it will inevitably be defeated like a mountain, and everyone will die under the sword of the Qin people!"

King Ashoka was shocked when he heard this.

"Do you want this king to watch his army be wiped out by the Qin people?"

"Think twice, Your Majesty!"

A group of ministers next to King Ashoka discouraged them. If they ordered to retreat, although a small part of the army could be kept, their central army must be the main target of the Qin army.

With the strength of the Qin army, everyone present would probably die here!

"let's go!"

King Ashoka gritted his teeth and finally chose to save his life!

The rotten life has worn away his will, and no matter how brave and fearless he was, he is now just a lost dog!

On the battlefield, the poisonous soldiers are still fighting hard, but at this moment, a group of troops has quietly retreated in the poisonous central army tent.

The Qin army is in the middle of the army, above the dragon-patterned black iron chariot.

Ying Zheng has been paying close attention to the entire battlefield, and there is a telephoto lens. Even if he is in the Central Army, he still knows the entire battle situation very well.

"I still want to run!"

Looking at the direction from the body poisoned by the army, Ying Zheng sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Send Yu Linwei to capture King Ashoka alive, give a thousand gold, and be promoted to the third rank!"


The attendant next to him took the order and left.

When Ying Zheng's order was passed to the Central Army, the entire Yulin Guard felt as if they had been beaten with blood.

Give a thousand gold!Rank three?

The title of Daqin is not easy to obtain, and to enter the third rank, the military merit required is definitely not small.

At this moment, the poisonous person is about to be defeated, and it becomes not too difficult to capture King Ashoka alive.

For a time, Yu Linwei on the entire battlefield went crazy, and the army that protected King Ashoka from fleeing was immediately found.

"Catch King Ashoka alive!"

"Catch King Ashoka alive!"

Yu Linwei came and went like the wind, and a black torrent rushed over instantly.

"Stop them!"

"Stop them for this king!"

King Ashoka's heart was torn apart, but he had seen Yulinwei's combat power, and he was easily lost in the hands of this group of black armored cavalry as the elephant soldier he relied on.

If you are really caught up, you will rely on the foot soldiers beside you, I am afraid that it is not enough for the other side to plug their teeth!

However, the most frightening thing has come.

There were only more than [-] soldiers guarding King Ashoka. Facing the [-] Yu Lin Wei, they were killed in just one encounter!

Seeing that the black torrent swarmed and surrounded them in an instant, King Ashoka and his ministers turned ashen.

Surrounded by a group of Yulin guards, King Ashoka was frightened. He felt that he was surrounded by wolves, and these soldiers looked at him with green light.

At this time, Yulin Weizhong suddenly gave way, and a young general wearing general armor drove forward, and glanced coldly at King Ashoka and the group of ministers.

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