"As long as you kill them, [-] sacrifices are enough!"

"Also ask General Meng Tian to kill them all!"

Standing beside Meng Tian, ​​Yun Zhongzi looked at the poisonous people in the distant town, just like looking at a group of ants.

Those who become slaves with poisonous bodies are good poisonous people. Those who do not obey the rule of the empire, the empire can only send them to hell!

"Must? Are you questioning Yu Linwei's ability?"

Meng Tian, ​​who was wrapped in black armor and only exposed his eyes, suddenly turned his head, and his eyebrows met coldly. For a while, Yun Zhongjun only felt a monstrous murderous aura coming towards his face, which made him have the illusion of smelling blood.

Yun Zhongjun bowed his head: "Don't dare!"

Although his own strength must be stronger than Meng Tian, ​​Yun Zhongjun bowed his head wisely in front of this general who leads the most powerful army in the empire.

"For the [-] sacrifices, this general will naturally help you gather enough!"

"However, these poisonous people are still useful!"

"According to military intelligence, among them, there is a prince of the Peacock Dynasty!"

"This Prince of the West Road, after Ashoka's defeat, in just a few days, he pulled up tens of thousands of troops to fight against the empire!"

"This time, I will not only exterminate them, but also follow the vine, find their old nest, and execute all those who dare to resist the empire!"

Meng Tian held the long sword in his hand and stared indifferently at the town in the distance.

The poisonous person in this small town is already dead in his eyes!The reason why they are not killed now is just because they still have a bait function!

Although he knew he was going to die, the poisoned man took the lead in attacking!At this moment, they are surrounded by Yulin Guard, and the entire Yu Lin Guard is only a few thousand people!

If they waited for the Qin army to come, then they would really be unable to escape!

So, in the evening, a large number of monk soldiers left the town and went straight to Yulinwei.

At the same time, on the other side of the town, Yu Linwei blocked the weakest point, and all the poisonous soldiers began to break through!


Countless monk soldiers attacked, and the army of nearly [-] people looked black in this small place!

On this side, the Yulin Guards only had [-] people!

Yulinwei and Monk soldiers are the strongest arms of the two sides, and once encountered, they immediately fell into a tragic fight.



Chapter 438 One Hundred Thousand Sacrifices-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.


On the battlefield, there were shouts of killing, and the fighting spirit was soaring!

Buddhism is known for its physical skills and defenses. Although Naga Temple was so unbearable when it was fighting against the Yin-Yang family, it was just that the Yin-Yang family just restrained the Buddhist supernatural powers!

Now on the battlefield, those monk soldiers who have been trained by Buddhism since childhood are all excellent soldiers with infinite strength and amazing defense!

Even if he is wearing a cassock, his body has long been polished to be extremely hard, comparable to armor!

If you encounter ordinary infantry, these ten thousand Buddhist monks and soldiers are enough to withstand an enemy that is several times his own!

It's a pity that what they encountered was not ordinary infantry, but Yulin Guard, who was a rare enemy in the empire!


Yu Linwei's warhorse was fast, and the iron cavalry spear was extremely sharp. With the impact of the warhorse, he immediately gained a powerful lethality.

Although the Buddhist monk soldiers are powerful, facing Yulinwei, it is difficult to exert their own advantages at all, and their performance is only slightly better than that of ordinary infantry!

And so, the one-sided slaughter began!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The defensive circle formed by nearly [-] monks and soldiers in Buddhism is as fragile as a layer of paper, which can be broken at a touch!

In the small town, on a rather tall house.

Seeing that the monk soldiers who depended on his family were so easily killed by Yu Linwei and discarded their armor and armor, Prince Xilu, who was still holding a bit of luck in his heart, slumped on the ground for a while with a gray face.

"Prince, let's go! Those monk soldiers won't last long!"

"The army in the north has successfully torn off the blockade of those Daqin demons. If we don't leave at this time, when the people of Daqin react, we really can't leave!"

General Mu Ze stood beside Prince Xilu and said with a painful expression.

The country was destroyed, and everyone was crawling under the rule of Daqin. At this time, they had to abandon their only strength to escape!


"General, Qin people are so powerful, even if we escape, where can we escape?"

Prince Xilu looked blank, as if he was muttering to himself. Obviously, Yulinwei defeated the Buddhist monks and soldiers like a massacre, which gave him a lot of excitement!

"Prince, as long as you live, there is hope!"

"The people in the cottage are still waiting for you to go back! Only you can lead us! If you die, then those monks and soldiers will die in vain!"

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