Mu Ze opened his mouth to dissuade him and helped Prince Xilu up.

"Let's go! Go back to the mountains first!"

After a short period of depression, Prince Xilu regained his strength. The dynasty has been reduced to such a point that he is not qualified to give up on himself!

Yun Zhongjun frowned when he saw that the poisonous army in the north succeeded in breaking out of the siege and escaped smoothly into the forest.

"General, do you really want to let them go?"

"There are countless poisonous insects and beasts in the mountains and forests. When they enter, they are completely out of the control of the empire!"

Meng Tian sneered and said with a cold expression.

"Oh! Where is the army of the Empire, where is the Empire!"

"No one can escape the control of the empire! In the mountains and forests, is the world of your Yin-Yang family, and a group of defeated soldiers will be driven into it!"

"If you can't even solve this group of remnants of defeated soldiers, your Yin and Yang family, then what's the use of the empire to support you?"

ps, half of the previous chapter was copied and pasted, and the modification was wrong. .

Chapter 439: Yin-Yang Family Forbidden Technique

Yun Zhongjun was stunned, and immediately bowed his head and handed over his hands: "The Yin and Yang family thought that the empire would contribute their strength!"

"Since those poisonous people have entered the deep mountains, then leave it to our Yin Yang family!"

With Yun Zhongjun's assurance, Meng Tian was quite satisfied, and pointed to the bloodied town that had been killed below.

"Your Yin-Yang family wants blood sacrifices, and now, people will be handed over to you!"

Yun Zhongjun nodded: "Please rest assured, General, the Yin Yang family will never live up to the high hopes of the empire!"

Sacrifice [-] living beings to enhance the ability of Yin-Yang family techniques and use them to perform some forbidden techniques!

As for the poisonous people hiding in the deep mountains, the Yin Yang family has a way to drive those poisonous insects and beasts. The poisonous people in the mountains and forests think that they can resist the empire by relying on the harsh environment of the mountains, but they don’t know that they just escaped to a place.” Zero sixty three" a more dangerous place!

The old Qin people are proud. They sincerely believe that they are the most powerful nation in the world, and their country is the strongest country in the world!

And all foreigners can only become their slaves!

The life of a foreigner is never life!

The sacrifice is in progress!

On the battlefield, the Yulin Guards continued to kill, the poisonous monks and soldiers had already been wiped out, the town was already bloodied, and the smell of blood in the sky almost washed away the sky!

After all, the poisonous people who broke out were only a small part, and the army of tens of thousands of poisonous people was completely smashed into the sand in this nameless town!

There were only a thousand people who escorted Prince Xilu and escaped!

Yu Linwei has not spared the poisonous soldiers in the town, the Yin Yang family's magic requires human life to sacrifice!Although the poisonous people in the outside world are all slaves, slaves are also valuable, and these people who intend to rebel against the empire, their only value is to use their blood to alert other people who are hiding in the dark with evil intentions!

In the center of the town, on an altar made of black stones, Xu Fu held a scepter and spit out obscure spells from his mouth.

For a time, blood rushed into the sky, and at the foot of the altar, countless poisonous soldiers were driven over by Yu Linwei.

On the altar, Xu Fu is the only one, and the brave soldiers will rush to the altar and try to hold Xu Fu hostage to save his life!

"Blood energy eats the soul, the blood moon finally appears!"

A low voice came from Xu Fu's throat, and then, a terrifying scene appeared.

Around the altar, there suddenly appeared beasts formed of blood energy, ferocious and terrifying, as if they had come out of hell.



As soon as the beasts formed of blood and qi appeared, they roared and rushed towards the group of poisonous soldiers.

The poisonous person who tried to get close to the altar immediately became a sacrifice. As soon as they met, they were buried here. The blood beasts sucked the whole body's blood, leaving only a skinny corpse!

It looks so terrifying!

"Ah! Help..."

"Devil, are all Daqin people devils?"

Being driven away, the poisonous people who had already lost their military spirit, suddenly became terrified, and one by one, they only cared about running for their lives, without the slightest fighting spirit to resist.

However, the blood beasts formed by qi and blood are extremely fast, and they devour human blood, escaping the smell of strangers to chase and kill, making it hard to prevent.

In just a few breaths, all the poisonous people who were rushed here were buried here.

With the blood supply of those poisoned people, the blood beasts look stronger!

For a time, the blood in the town was full of blood, and the smell of blood almost made people unable to open their eyes. The sky became cloudy at some point, blocking the stars all over the sky, leaving only a blood moon hanging in the air...

Chapter 439 Yin-Yang Family Forbidden Techniques-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

For a time, the blood in the town was full of blood, and the smell of blood almost made people unable to open their eyes. The sky became cloudy at some point, blocking the stars all over the sky, leaving only a blood moon hanging in the air...

In that terrifying and strange scene, even Yu Linwei, who had experienced hundreds of battles and was able to sleep among the dead, was terrified.


On the altar, Xu Fu, who performed this miracle, suddenly coughed up blood and fell on the altar.

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