At this moment, Xu Fu, with white hair and wrinkled face, where there is still half the handsome and romantic before, looks like he has aged several decades out of thin air!

"Why do you have to?"

"When the Emperor Dong brings people here, how can the body poison Buddhism be the opponent of our Yin-Yang family?"

"Why bother to use such a forbidden technique to let yourself lose half a hundred years of life in vain!"

I don't know when, the figure of Xinghun appeared on the altar, looking at Xu Fu with a complicated expression.

"Can't wait! Emperor Qin won't give us time!"

"If the Yin-Yang family wants to gain a foothold in Daqin, it is impossible without sacrifice!"

"These blood beasts have remembered the smell of poisonous people, and let the imperial army follow them. These blood beasts will help them kill all the rebels!"

Xu Fu said with a pale face, this blood sacrifice was too expensive for him, and now he has only three months of life left!

"You mean, Xu Fu used the Yin-Yang family's forbidden technique to kill [-] poisonous soldiers alone in a few breaths?"

In the palace of the Poison Palace, Ying Zheng's brows were furrowed. ......

The Yin Yang family has such a powerful forbidden technique!

This made Ying Zheng, who was accustomed to controlling everything, uncomfortable. If the Yin-Yang family had evil intentions and used such a forbidden book to target Da Qin, how much would Da Qin lose?

"That's right! However, Xu Fu, who used the forbidden technique, has almost exhausted his lifespan, and he will surely die in three months!"

"And, according to Yun Zhongjun, this kind of forbidden technique only requires strict requirements, and only the body of the yin can perform it!"

"And the body of yin, in the entire yin and yang family, only Xu Fu is alone!"

Meng Tian knelt down on one knee and spoke respectfully.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but feel relieved. If such a powerful forbidden technique could be used at will, wouldn't this world be under the control of the Yin-Yang family?

However, the Yin-Yang family controls such dangerous power, which will pose a threat to the security of the empire!

"Tell the Yin-Yang family to hand over all the secret spells of their sect to the treasury!" 3.2

"I want to build a library of books, which will collect all the theories and secrets of practice!"

Ying Zheng opened his mouth and instructed Meng Tian who was kneeling on the ground.

"This... Your Majesty, all the schools of thought have always regarded their own doctrines as if they were their own lives!"

"I'm afraid they won't be handed in so easily!"

Meng Tian spoke hesitantly.

"Everything in this world is mine!"

"As long as the masters and hundreds of families rely on our Daqin to survive, they will only have to obey!"

"No one can defy my will!"

Ying Zheng opened his mouth with disdain, his voice echoed in the hall. Although the masters and hundreds of families were powerful, he controlled the entire empire. As long as he was alive, no one in the entire empire would dare to disobey his orders! .

Chapter 440 Miyun Swamp, Blood Beast Eats Soul

The Peacock Dynasty is located in the tropics. In the vast mountains, there are all kinds of poisonous insects, mosquitoes and flies. If you enter it, you will be buried here if you are not careful!

After Prince Xilu's army broke through the town, there were only the last [-] soldiers left.

Thinking about how high-spirited he was when he left the mountain, he encountered Yu Linwei and lost tens of thousands of people in the first battle.

There are only two thousand people left, and in this primitive jungle, not even a splash of water can be lifted. If you encounter some gregarious poisonous insects, it is impossible for the entire army to be wiped out!

"Could it be that the gods really want to destroy my Peacock Dynasty?"

"God! What did we poison people do wrong? You want to punish us like this!"

Looking at the defeated soldiers around him, Prince Xilu felt extremely sad in his heart.

"Prince, you must cheer up!"

"You are the only bloodline that escaped from the royal family, and you are the symbol of our entire dynasty!"

"As long as you are still alive, there will be a steady stream of people standing up and resisting the demons of Daqin! You are our hope of being poisoned..."

Seeing that Prince Xilu was in a low mood, Mu Ze kept encouraging him. In the first battle of Zhennugang 09, the entire dynasty collapsed overnight.

"But, what can I do? General Mu Ze, I'm afraid I can't bear these responsibilities..." Prince Xilu said with a painful expression.

"The Qin people are so powerful! Can we really retake our homeland?"

"Yes!" Mu Ze said very firmly: "Prince, we are not the only rebels!"

"In Miyun Swamp, and Shiva!"

"Shiva? That once dynasty's most powerful noble 'Shiva'?" Prince Xilu's expression brightened, and a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.

"That's right! The interests of Shiva and the royal family are the same! This time, in order to resist the demons of Qin, Shiva led the army and Qin people to fight in Miyun Swamp!"

"Prince, since our power is greatly lost now, it is difficult to survive in the mountains and forests!

"Instead of dying at the mouth of the beasts and poisonous insects in the mountains and forests, it is better to go back to the mountains and take everyone to go to Shiva!"

"Prince, you represent the royal family! If you can join forces with Shiva, you will definitely be able to attract all the poisonous people who are dissatisfied with the tyranny of the Qin people to defect!"

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