At this time, outside the city of Shiva, a gorgeously dressed old man led a group of poisonous people to come, and looked at Prince Xilu with a kind expression.

"Patriarch Shiva!"

Prince Xilu looked at the visitor in surprise: "Xilu, the sixteenth-generation descendant of the royal family, has seen the Shiva clan chief!"

"Child, my dynasty has undergone a major change, and you have suffered!"

"However, everything will be fine when we get here! Although the Qin people in the north are powerful, they have no way to enter the Miyun Swamp. We are absolutely safe here!"

"Come on, child, let me introduce to you, this is the highest-ranking Buddhist monk 'Atoga'. The holy monk has been a hermit for a long time, but he is the real supernatural power of Buddhism..."

The patriarch of Shiva took Xilu's hand, expressed concern and condolences, and introduced some key figures in Shiva to him.


However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the sounds of beast roars continued to sound, and the entire Miyun Swamp was surging, and the surrounding fog was rolling continuously!

"No! It's them..."

When Xi Lu, Mu Ze and the others heard the roar of the beast, their expressions changed greatly, and they were inexplicably terrified for a while!


The most terrifying thing is that the Qin people were able to control these demons!

"what sound?"

The Shiva clan chief and others looked puzzled, and their expressions became a little more alert.

They have lived in this place for so long, but they have never heard such a large group of beast roars!

"It's the devils! They're the devils from hell! They're coming, they're coming for their lives..."

Behind Xilu, a guard couldn't control it any longer, and he started babbling madly for a while!

Everyone in Shiva City frowned, and the atmosphere instantly became weird.

"Whoever dares to disturb the heart of the army, die!

The long knife in Mu Ze's hand suddenly came out of its sheath, violently killing people, and killing the personal guard with one knife!

"what is the problem?"

The Shiva Patriarch's tone was a little irritable. He had a hunch that Xilu and the others were definitely hiding something, and this might bring endless disasters to Shiva City!

"It's a blood beast, it's from Daqin... Damn it, how did you get here!"

Chapter 443 Shiva City in Panic! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It's a blood beast, it's from Daqin... Damn it, how did you get here!"

Xilu was about to explain when suddenly, a blood-colored figure flashed past and slammed onto a person. He just opened his mouth and sucked in. In an instant, the person aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, fell to the ground and died!


, Someone screamed, and in an instant, there was chaos outside the city of Shiva!

Immediately afterwards, countless blood beasts emerged from the mist and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Escape! Run away..."

Xilu exclaimed, how strange and terrifying these blood beasts are, he has experienced it!He didn't want this last land of poisoned people to fall too!

However, the blood beast is faster!

Before everyone could react, those blood beasts flew over, and in just a few breaths, hundreds of people died here and turned into mummified corpses!

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"You brought these things in? What the hell is this?"

The Shiva Patriarch questioned Xilu with an angry expression. In just an instant, he saw the lethality of these blood beasts, and in this vast swamp, there are thousands of blood beasts!

Is Shiva going to be destroyed?

"Hold them down and go back to the city!"

The Shiva Patriarch ordered that everyone began to evacuate from the city.

Xilu wanted to tell the Shiva Patriarch that the city wall could not stop these beasts from hell, but the other party had already turned his head and entered the city, obviously because of this matter he had an opinion on him.


"Ah! Help..."

"Escape! Run away...the devils!"


"Woo! Woo..."

The screams of the people were accompanied by the roar of the blood beasts. The poisonous people fell to the ground and turned into mummified corpses. The death method was terrifying.

"Could it be that God wants me to perish the Peacock Dynasty?"

The Shiva Patriarch looked at the chaos in the city, and his face was gray for a while.

"Patriarch, you quickly dismiss the clan, as long as you support a stick of incense! The poor monk has his own way to destroy this bloody beast!"

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