Suddenly, just when the Shiva Patriarch was in despair, the holy monk Atoga next to him suddenly spoke up.

"Holy monk, do you have a way to destroy these things?"

"These blood beasts are formed by the grievances of the dead mixed in the blood! There is Buddha's light in our Buddhism, which can resolve this difficulty! The patriarch only needs to evacuate the clan as soon as possible, and delay the time..."

"Okay! Everything is arranged by the holy monk!"

Immediately, Atoga sat cross-legged on the ground, chanted a mantra, closed his eyes, squeezed the seal with his hands, and displayed various mysterious mantras.

However, although there is a chance to solve this difficulty, the time of a stick of incense is really like a year!

The blood beast ignores all physical attacks and kills extremely fast. Thousands of blood beasts can kill a thousand people with one breath!

"Ah! Help...what is this!"

"The devil! Get off, get off..."

"Patriarch, please save me! Save me..."

The patriarch of Shiva looked at the city below with extreme pain. .

Text Chapter 444 Like a soldier from heaven!

On the city wall, Patriarch Shiva is directing his people to resist the blood beast.

call out!

A black arrow passed through the mist and hit Patriarch Shiva's chest.


Shiva exclaimed and was about to rescue.

"People from Qin! How can people from Qin be here?"

Patriarch Shiva pointed to the direction outside the city in horror. In the mist, a group of soldiers with steel spears and iron armor appeared on horses.

"My God, how can the Qin army's war horses walk in the swamp?"

The people of Shiva City exclaimed.

"Why don't you let me go? After chasing me for so long, my army is completely destroyed, and you still won't give up?"

On the city wall, the look of despair on Prince Xilu's face was even worse, and he roared in horror.

The Shiva clan chief held on to his injuries and stood on the city wall in disbelief.

"Twenty Twenty"

"How did the Qin army pass through the swamp? My family has lost tens of thousands of people in the past [-] years in order to find out the terrain. Why can these Qin army be found so quickly?"

Soon, he saw the answer. In the fog, there was a single-plank bridge that could drive four horses side by side. It was through this bridge that Da Qin's army crossed the swamp.

In an instant, all the poisonous people were shocked, how could Qin people be so powerful?A bridge that runs through Miyun Swamp, Qin people can easily build it?

"Listen to the people in the city. By the order of the First Emperor, all the poisonous people in Miyun Swamp were demoted to slaves! If they dare to resist a little, they will all be killed on the spot..."

In the Qin army, a Captain Yulin came out and read Ying Zheng's will.

"Come here, get kerosene, and defend the city!"

The Shiva clan chief held on to the injury and spoke with a firm tone and a determination to swear to death.

The Qin army was in the middle of the army, and Meng Tian sneered when he saw the change on the opposite city wall.

"The thief's heart will not die! Come on, prepare artillery, since they want to defend the city, then blow up their city!"


The soldiers of Yulinwei slammed their promises, and rows of Fran machines were pulled out and aimed at the city wall of Shiva City.

Load, fire, all in one go.

boom!bang bang...

In an instant, after a row of shells passed, most of the entire Shiva city wall collapsed, causing countless casualties.

"Help! My legs..."

The cry of a poisoned soldier.

Prince Xilu muttered to himself, looking like he was going crazy: "Devil, devil..."

"Pfft..., ahem, how can Daqin people have such powerful weapons? Could it be that they have mastered the power of God?"

The old patriarch of the Shiva clan coughed up blood, and his expression was full of disbelief.

A row of artillery bombardment almost destroyed the entire city wall, and now only the poisoned people in the city are still dying in the mouth of the blood beast.

"Sikasyapa, take the monks and soldiers to meet the enemy, and make sure to buy time for the holy monk of Atoga!"

"Yes! Patriarch..."

Beside the Shiva Patriarch, a monk in a cassock nodded and turned to leave.

After a while, more than [-] monk soldiers rushed out of Shiva City to meet the Qin army.

Outside the city of Shiva, Meng Tian sat steadily on the horse and was about to issue an order to attack.

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