Everyone exclaimed, the Shiva clan chief is the backbone of the entire Shiva city, whether it can resist the Qin army, but it is entirely up to him to command!

Now that the patriarch is dead, everyone is in chaos.

In the tent of the Qin army, Meng Tian put away the bow and arrow with a look of disdain, and then sent an indifferent voice to the whole army.

"After ten breaths, attack and slaughter the city!"


Qin Jun agreed with a bang, his voice resounded through the swamp, and even the fog seemed to be shaken away.

On the broken wall of Shiva City, the poisonous people heard the roar of the Qin army, and they were panicked for a while, and they even scattered as birds and beasts, rushing to escape.


Suddenly, Prince Xilu, who had been silent on the city wall, took action, grabbed Mu Ze's long knife, and immediately killed a poisonous soldier.

This scene immediately shocked everyone present.

"Those who flinch, kill!"

"The Qin army is right under the city, and they won't let us go. Only by working together can we overcome the difficulties and keep me alive!"

"From now on, the Shiva clan leader is dead, and everything in the city is temporarily under my control. The whole people must resist the Qin army..."

Prince Xilu scolded coldly, and all the poisonous people calmed down.

"Follow the prince's orders!"


Suddenly, a long knife stabbed from behind Prince Xilu, hit his heart, and penetrated Prince Jiangxilu's body.

"His Royal Highness Prince"

Everyone exclaimed, and their minds were disturbed for a while. Before the death of the Shiva clan chief, the military was already unstable, and it was difficult to find someone who could carry the banner to reassure everyone.

However, in less than a moment, he was actually killed!

Prince Xilu turned his head with difficulty, and suddenly saw the pained look on General Mu Ze's face.

"Cough! Cough...why?"

Prince Xilu coughed up blood, and his expression was full of disbelief.

"Prince, don't resent me! Really, Qin Jun, too powerful!"

"And I, want to live..."

General Mu Ze looked pained, and obviously he was also suffering from betraying the royal family.

"Pfft! When did you start betraying me..."

Prince Xilu coughed up blood, was in a hurry, and died on the spot in an instant.

"Prince, I'm sorry, during the battle of Zhennugang, I was captured by the Qin army..."

General Mu Ze spoke slowly, reaching out to help Prince Xilu, who was dying, to close his eyes!

"You, you actually killed Prince Xilu! You are the shame of our poison..."

The poisonous people around looked at the betrayer with anger.

Mu Ze said as if looking at the dead: "It's better to be a shame than to die with you!"

"Bastard! We killed you..."

The poisonous man roared, but Mu Ze's remarks aroused public anger.

call out!

call out!call out……

Suddenly, the sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, and arrows flew from the sky.

Chapter 445 Vajra is indestructible, destroys Buddha! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Suddenly, the sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, and arrows flew from the sky.

In an instant, the poisoned people fell to the ground one after another, like mino dominoes.


The Qin army outside the city roared and rushed into the city, killing anyone they saw.

"General, we are our own!"

Mu Ze shouted and put his hands on top of his head, indicating that he was not a threat.


A Yulin Guard soldier raised his knife and fell, and the steel spear in his hand pierced Mu Ze's body.

"Why? I took refuge in Daqin!"

Mu Ze coughed up blood and spoke with difficulty.

"The general has an order, after the city is broken, the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

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