Yu Linwei said indifferently, spit out his wrists, pulled out his steel spear, and drove his horse away, leaving only Mu Ze lying dead on the ground.

The city gate has been broken, and with the strength of the Qin army, it is natural to drive straight in, killing people when they see them. The poisonous people who were originally on the verge of death under the ravages of blood beasts have suffered heavy losses at this moment!

Although the blood beasts are strange, there are not many, and the Qin Jun who broke the city is a more frightening devil than the blood beasts!

However, just when the Qin army had just broken through the city, the city wall was broken, but the poisonous holy monk Atoga suddenly opened his eyes.

As Atoga opened his eyes, in an instant, streaks of golden light emanated from Atoga.


The countless blood beasts that were raging in the city suddenly wailed, turning into blood energy and dissipating in the sky.

Seeing his powerful strength, Atoga was suddenly full of surprise and pride.

"Haha! The poor monk finally refined the relic and cultivated it into a Buddha's light..."

"Huh? Qin people actually invaded the city? How did they get through the swamp?"

"Oh! But it doesn't matter anymore. Now that the poor monk has cultivated to the glory of the Buddha, then the poor monk is the strongest sage in the history of Buddhism!"

"I think at the beginning, even the Emperor Xu had studied under this sect. Now that this sect has become a Buddha, he is destined to be famous for the ages and become the most dazzling Buddha in Buddhism!"

"A mere Qin person, what a way to do it..."

call out!

Suddenly, a steel spear burst through the air, and its powerful force instantly penetrated Atoga's body and shattered his heart.

"How is that possible? I have a vajra body that is not bad..."

Atuoga coughed up blood in his mouth, and his expression was full of disbelief. In the end, he fell to the ground unwillingly, unable to rest his eyes.

"It's a lot of talk!"

Meng Tian drove the warhorse to come, and pulled out his spear from the corpse of Atoga, and glanced at the corpse of Atoga disdainfully.

"A mere Buddhist sect, even if it is the first holy monk of the ages, how can it be my Qin army's opponent?"

"Even if the Buddha dared to resist Da Qin, he would have killed him..."

Meng Tian drove his horse past, leaving only Atoga, who fell to the ground and was dying.

"Report! All the poisonous people in the city surrendered under the siege, and those who dared to resist have been killed!"

A Yulin guard quickly came to Meng Tian's side, dismounted and knelt on the ground to report.

"Dig a pit and kill it on the spot!"

Meng Tian said indifferently, the body poisoner does not respect the imperial decree, and the death is more than worthy of death.

What Da Qin needs is an obedient slave!

Anyone who has resisted Da Qin, even if he kneels down and begs for surrender, Da Qin will never give him the chance to be a slave again!


The young general Yulin took the order and took away the order to take the lives of all the poisonous people...

The broken city wall, the great Shiva city, was all exposed to Meng Tian's eyes at this moment. Looking at the faint coastline in the distant mist, Meng Tian's eyes showed a very interesting color...

Text Chapter 446: Poisoning the Nine counties!

Shiva City is adjacent to the Indian Ocean to the south, and the swampland to the north has also been opened up by the Qin army.

"This place is adjacent to the coast to the south, and the sea route is smooth. It takes half a month to travel from Daqin to the body and poison it is faster than walking by land! Such a treasured place can be used as the center of my Daqin commanding body poison!"

"Since this city was captured by my Yulin guards, from now on, this city will be my Daqin 'Yulin City'!"

"Yulin City will become the most poisonous port and the largest military port of our Daqin military! It will become a sharp sword hanging over the heads of the poisonous people..."

Meng Tian pondered for a moment, and then said to the Yulin Guard soldiers by his side: "Go on and send the order, immediately, escort [-] poisonous slaves to come here and establish Yulin City here!"

"This place will become my Yulinwei's largest military port!"


The young general Yulin complied with his promise and left.

It is conceivable that when [-] poisoned slaves were sent, this city that had experienced a massacre and was full of dead silence would be noisy again.

And the new Yulin City will be built on top of the hundreds of thousands of poisonous people who were killed there!

"General, the pits outside the city have already been dug, and there are more than [-] captured prisoners! All of them have been rushed into the giant pit..."

"Fill the hole!"

Meng Tian gave the order, with a hint of lightness in his tone, as if it was as simple as going to a friend's house for a quick meal, and the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people were decided!


Moon stars are rare, inside the palace of Fahrenheit City.

"Your Majesty, General Meng Tian asks to see you!"

"Meng Tian? What time is this? Let him wait outside first!"

Ying Zheng looked impatient and turned over on the dragon's foot, then fell back to sleep, and his rest was quite regular on weekdays.

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