It's only five watch at the moment, Meng Tian, ​​this kid, came to disturb him. It seems that he will teach this kid a lesson another day!

In his sleep, Ying Zheng muttered in his heart in a daze.

"Your Majesty, General Meng Tian has been waiting outside for a few hours, and there are also all the soldiers of the Yulinwei army!"

"It is said that the last remnant of the Peacock Dynasty was suppressed, and I want to report this good news to Your Majesty!"

The eunuch's voice came from outside the palace again.

"Is it over yet? Isn't it just a victory?"

"What a fuss! My soldiers and soldiers are invincible in the world, that's what they should be! Killing a few poisonous people, you still need to stay up in the middle of the night to tell me' ˇ?"

Ying Zheng got up from the dragon couch with dissatisfaction, even though he was dismissive of the so-called good news.

But the entire Yulinwei army had been waiting for several hours, but he couldn't bear to wait so long with his soldiers, even if they waited, they would be happy!

But Ying Zheng felt sorry for his soldiers!

Seeing Ying Zheng getting up from the dragon couch, the accompanying eunuch hurried in to prepare a dragon robe for Ying Zheng.

After spending a lot of incense sticks, Ying Zheng put on his black dragon robe and a flat crown, surrounded by eunuchs, and came to the square at the gate of the palace.

"Wei Chen has seen your majesty, long live your majesty, long live long live..."

"I've waited to see your majesty, long live your majesty, long live long live..."

Seeing Ying Zheng appearing, Meng Tian dismounted immediately, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully, long live.

Chapter 446: Poisoning the Nine Counties! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Seeing Ying Zheng appearing, Meng Tian dismounted immediately, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully, long live.

Immediately afterwards, the countless Yulin guards behind him dismounted one after another, and for a while, the sound was like a tidal wave, resounding throughout Fahrenheit City.

"Soldiers have worked hard, calm down!"

Ying Zheng looked at the square, there was a large crowd of people, and everyone's horses had blood dripping heads hanging on them, looking hideous and terrifying!

The Qin State was awarded a title for military merit, and the Qin army was a good head. It is no wonder that these soldiers hung all the heads on their horses, so that the whole square smelled of blood!

Looking at the Yulin soldiers in the square, Ying Zheng's heart burst into arrogance. These iron and steel soldiers are all heartfelt with him. With this group of brave soldiers who thought they were going to die, why should Da Qin not be forever?

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The soldiers got up, and there was another cry that resounded through Fahrenheit City.

Ying Zheng looked at the Yulin guards who were in front of them despite their bloody killing but showed no signs of fatigue, and said with a cherished expression, "This time, I have personally attacked the poison of the body. Become the territory of my Daqin!"

"From today onwards, the Poison Continent will be divided into nine counties and thirty-six counties, which will become the tenth state of our Daqin... Indian state!"

"And all of you who have opened up territory for my Daqin and fought bloody battles are the heroes of my Daqin!"

"In my Great Qin, those who are guilty will be punished, and those who have merit will be rewarded!"

"From now on, the military merits will be calculated, and Meng Tian will lead the Yu Lin Wei, and he will be promoted to one rank, and will be rewarded with a thousand gold and fifty horses!"'' '

"The rest of the generals, those who behead five or more people, will be promoted to the first level, and those who have more than ten will be promoted to the second can be awarded!"

Daqin established the country with martial arts, and all the officers and men were extremely eager for military merits and titles. This time, Yu Linwei was the most deserving of the poison in the southern expedition. Hearing Ying Zheng's award at this moment, he suddenly shouted long live.

For a time, the entire Fahrenheit City woke up to Yu Linwei's surprise cheers.

The sky gradually brightened, and it was in the most luxurious hall in the palace.

"Since Yulin City is the Daqin military port, then you Yulinwei will be solely responsible for the construction!"

"In the future, Yulin City will keep troops all year round, which can be used to guard the body and poison, and it can also echo our Daqin inland, which can be used as a naval port without rushing!"

"You, Yu Linwei, have made a lot of contributions to this attack!"

"From now on, Yulin City, I will give you Yulin Guard!"

"Meng Tian thanks Your Majesty!"

When he got Yulin City, Meng (Zhao Dehao) Tian rejoiced in his heart, but he still behaved calmly and bowed his hands respectfully.

"Okay! This time the empire divides Yinzhou (Shendu) into nine counties and thirty-six counties, so it is necessary to use nine galloping roads to connect the nine counties of Shendu, so that the empire can better absorb the nutrients of India. !"

"Meng Tian, ​​I have given Liu Bang the right to sell and buy all slaves in India!"

"Afterwards, all the slaves captured by my Daqin army will only be sold to him!"

"My minister, please obey His Majesty's order!"

Meng Tian bowed his hands respectfully.

"The construction of Zhennu Port must be accelerated, and it will be connected with Yulin City, so that it can become the sword of Shangfang that suppresses Yinzhou!"

"With such two military ports, India will become an inseparable part of our Great Qin, even the gods can't tear it apart!"


Meng Tian cupped his hands and said respectfully. .

Chapter 447

After several months of accumulation, Zhennugang has now taken shape. Countless poisonous slaves were driven by Qin people with whips and are busy building Zhennugang.

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