At this moment, at the port location, a large group of people gathered.

The leader was the old and disfigured Xu Fu, and beside him were the Yin-Yang Family Star Soul and Yun Zhongjun.

"Yun Zhongjun, what's going on with this group of alchemists from the Six Nations?"

"My yin and yang giant, Dong Huangtai, came here, why are these people running over to join in the fun?"

Xinghun frowned and glanced at the team of alchemists with dozens of people behind him.

Yun Zhongjun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and said arrogantly: "Haha, this time we have made a name for my Yin-Yang family in our poison, and have been appreciated by Your Majesty!"

"The news came this morning that the East Emperor assisted Lu Xiang in the Central Plains and suppressed the Zhuzi Mountain Gate who refused to accept Wang Hua!"

"Two months ago, Donghuang single-handedly destroyed Xuanji City, and now those people have been hiding in secret for fear that the anger of my Yin-Yang family will implicate them..."

When Xinghun heard the words, he immediately understood.

Although he is a master of the Yin and Yang family, he is invincible even if he looks at the entire Great Qin Empire, but for his own giant, Donghuang Taiyi, the star soul can only be described as 'unfathomable'!

Donghuang's action, in one fell swoop, shocked the 043 masters and a hundred schools of thought, which was inevitable.

With the strength of the East Emperor, even if he takes action to destroy hundreds of schools of thought, it is not impossible!

As long as the tyrant of the Yin-Yang family is still Donghuang Taiyi, then the Yin-Yang family will always be the strongest mountain gate of Da Qin!

On the coastline in the distance, a huge ship appeared and came towards the wind. On the bow, a figure wrapped in black robes stood there.

"We welcome the giant!"

When the ship arrived at the port, Xinghun and others bowed.

What's interesting is that behind Xinghun and the others, the other alchemists from the six countries also bowed down one after another.

"We welcome the Eastern Emperor!"

Dong Huangtai stood at the bow of the boat, his eyes did not stop on the alchemist of the Six Nations, he just glanced at Xu Fu, nodded indiscernibly, and then left.

The Yin and Yang families on the ship followed closely and left one after another. Not long after, there were only a group of six-nation alchemists left in the port of Zhennugang in Nuoda.

However, being so despised by Donghuang Taiyi, none of the Six Nations alchemists present dared to express any dissatisfaction!

All of this is due to Dong Huang Taiyi, who is really too powerful!

"Giant, I (ajba) and others have already arranged a place to live, which is not far from Zhennu Port, which can be used as a temporary residence for my Yin-Yang family!"

Yun Zhongjun followed closely by Dong Huangtai's side and made a report.

"No need, follow me into the palace, face the holy!"

Dong Huangtai's voice was a little low, and he ordered to bring all the Yin and Yang family to Fahrenheit City.

At this moment, inside the Fahrenheit City Palace.

In a green hills and green waters, a hot spring pool with a radius of ten feet is rising, Ying Zheng is lying in it alone, closing his eyes and resting.

Since he became the King of Qin, he has been running around to rule the world. Later, when he became the first emperor, he was even more busy with government affairs, which often made him feel haggard.

Later, Ying Zheng developed a fixed time to enjoy life, such as hot springs!

The warm spring water wraps the whole body, and the surface of the hot spring pool water is full of petals sprinkled by the maids, and the fragrance is overflowing.

"Your Majesty, the tyrant of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huangtai, asks to see you!"

Just as Ying Zheng was closing his eyes, the voice of a valet suddenly came from behind him.

East Emperor Taiyi?

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that when he put pressure on the Yin and Yang family before, Dong Huang Taiyi would not be able to sit still, but he didn't expect to come over now.

Chapter 447 East Emperor Taiyi -->> (Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that when he put pressure on the Yin and Yang family before, Dong Huang Taiyi would not be able to sit still, but he didn't expect to come over now.

However, at this moment, Ying Zheng was enjoying the hot spring, so naturally he was not in the mood to see any yin and yang giants, so he still closed his eyes and rested.

Ying Zheng didn't say anything, and his valet didn't dare to leave, so he respectfully stood there.

"Let him wait first!"

After a few incense sticks, Ying Zheng seemed to remember, and gave an order casually.


The valet respectfully complied with his promise and slowly exited the place.

Outside the palace gate, as soon as Dong Huangtai saw Ying Zheng's valet coming out, he immediately took two steps forward.

"What did your majesty say?"

"Your Majesty is taking a bath, please wait for the East Emperor!"

Dong Huangtai nodded, but there was no dissatisfaction at all, and she still stood quietly outside the palace gate.

The sunset is on the west mountain, and gradually the afterglow of the sunset is dissatisfied with the horizon.

Donghuang Taiyi had been waiting for three hours, and he still hadn't waited for the news of Ying Zheng's reception, but he stood there like an ice sculpture that has not changed in ten thousand years, and he never showed any dissatisfaction.

"His Majesty has an order, ordering the tyrant of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huangtai, to have an audience!"

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