"Your Majesty has an order, the tycoon of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huangtai, has an audience..."

The order to receive came from the deep palace, and Dong Huang Taiyi entered the deep palace under the leadership of a valet.

In a secluded hall, Ying Zheng sat high on the dragon chair and looked at the Emperor Taiyi below with a cold expression.

Donghuang Taiyi handed over his hands: "The tyrant of the Yin-Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, has seen His Majesty the First Emperor!"

Ying Zheng was silent, still looking down at Dong Huang Taiyi indifferently.

For a time, the entire hall fell into silence, and the atmosphere became colder and colder.

Even though Ying Zheng was a young emperor, he possessed a majesty comparable to that of the emperor of the heavens. Tai Huangtai felt that there was an ancient deity sitting on it, which brought him an extreme sense of oppression.

As time passed, the pressure that Donghuang Taiyi could feel became stronger and stronger, making it hard for him to imagine that the prestige of this young emperor gradually made him start to tremble with fear...

"Donghuang Taiyi, I made you wait outside for a few hours, are you dissatisfied?"

After a long time, Ying Zhengcai on the dragon chair opened his mouth.

"Wei Chen dare not!"

The East Huangtai hurriedly cupped his hands, and his expression was full of respect.

"This time you led the Yin-Yang family to come here. From today onwards, the remnants of the Buddhist sect who are poisoned will be handed over to you to clean up!"

Ying Zheng sat on the dragon chair, and the indifferent voice spread throughout the hall.

"Wei Chen obeys the order!"

Dong Huangtai took the lead.

On the dragon chair, Ying Zheng couldn't help but nod his head in satisfaction. This Donghuang Taiyi is quite interesting. In Qin Shimingyue's world, he is a peerless hero comparable to the first emperor Ying Zheng!

But in his Great Qin, even if it is a dragon, it can only survive if it is wrapped in his palm...

After a long time, Dong Huang Taiyi walked out of the hall, looking at the night sky with the moon and stars above his head, Dong Huang Taiyi could not help but reach out and wipe the cold sweat from his head.

He had been left unhappy by Ying Zheng outside the palace gate for a few hours before, but after facing the saint, his current state of mind was completely different.

Such an emperor, he dare not give birth to the thought of resisting at all! .

Text Chapter 448 The remnants of Buddhism are vulnerable


Outside the palace gate, Yun Zhongjun and others had been waiting, and when they saw Dong Huangtai come out, they immediately stepped forward.

"From now on, in my Yin-Yang family, only Da Qin's horse will follow!"

As soon as Dong Huangtai dropped these words, he left, wrapped in black robes, making it difficult to see his expression.


The Himalayas are the moat that separates Daqin from the Middle Earth and India. At this moment, a group of monks in cassocks gathered in the mountains that were supposed to be desolate.

In the vast mountains, these Buddhists found a valley and opened up a temporary residence in it.

"Tianchan Buddha, we have contacted the leaders of the clans from all over the world. After the battle of Zhennugang, our Maurya Dynasty fell to the hands of Daqin, and all the nobles were denounced as slaves by the tyrants of the Qin people!"

"Those nobles who were high in the past have now become the most despicable people. They have long been dissatisfied and promised to respond to us, create chaos in their bodies, and set off a wave of resistance!"

In an attic with very Buddhist characteristics, a monk wearing a cassock folded his hands together and reported to the Tianchan Buddha who was sitting in the top position.

"Very well, the Qin people are tyrannical and unpopular. The more they oppress, the more people will resist!"

"This time, we must do our best to create the biggest trouble for the Qin people before leaving the body poison, and let those damn demons understand that I, Buddhism, will never allow others to bully!"

Tianchan Buddha nodded in satisfaction and spoke at random, which immediately aroused the approval of a group of Buddhist monks.

"Elders, you must do your best this time. Three days later, I will raise the flag against Qin together!"

Tianchan Buddha left the last order, and then a group of Buddhist monks in the valley left one after another and went to various places in the body to contact the body poison people under the rule of Daqin.

However, what many Buddhists do not know is that in the mountains and forests only two hills away from their valley, there is still a group of Daqin slave capture teams.

"General Liu, according to the news from our informant, the last stronghold of the remnants of Buddhism is near here!"

A member of the slave-making team stepped forward, walked up to Liu Bang and said.

"Very good, let the brothers spread out and search, in groups of ten, to find the news of the remnants of Buddhism, don't fight, be sure to pass the news!"

"At that time, I will do my best to catch these bed bugs!"

Liu Bang nodded, gave an order, waved his hand, and all the slave-catching teams behind him scattered, heading to the jungle to search for the Buddhist crowd.


Tianchan Buddha hurried away with a group of monks, and there was no small movement in the jungle, and was soon discovered by the Daqin Slave Hunting Team, and someone immediately shouted.

"It was discovered, it's from Qin!"

"Run! Make sure to escape..."

The Buddhist figure froze, and his expression was filled with horror.

The strength of the Qin people has long been rooted in their hearts, and they have been living in the darkest corners like bedbugs for a long time.

Seeing Qin people is like a mouse seeing a cat.

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