
Tianchan Buddha suddenly waved his hand and said with a solemn expression; "It's not the Qin army! It's a member of the Daqin Slave Capture Team. Look at their clothes, and they don't seem to be many..."

"Buddha, run away!"

"Even if it's a slave-hunting team, it's not comparable to our mere hundreds of people!"

"Yes, Buddha, Qin people are really too powerful, we are not opponents at all!"

Hearing that Tianchan Buddha seemed to want to stop and stop the Qin people, many monks began to persuade them.

Hearing the words, Tianchan Buddha said in a cold voice: "The more than [-] people I waited for are all Buddhist masters, and the mere slave-hunting team does not even have one-tenth of the combat power of the real Qin army!"

"If we all have to run away from the war, when can we really drive the Qin people out?"

"Don't say it anymore, I've made up my mind! Everyone follows me to stop the Qin people and kill them all!"

Tianchan Buddha opened his mouth, and when he spoke, his body suddenly moved, and the whole person had burst out, directly taking a member of the slave capture team by the throat. ,

Chapter 448 Remnants of Buddhism, vulnerable to a single blow -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Tianchan Buddha opened his mouth, and when he spoke, his body suddenly moved, and the whole person had burst out, directly taking a member of the slave capture team by the throat. ,


People in Buddhism are helpless and can only take action one after another.

call out!

call out!call out……

However, right at this moment, black feathered arrows came out one after another, and the force was so strong that all Buddhist monks who were hit immediately fell to the ground and were seriously injured.

"There is an ambush! Retreat..."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Tianchan Buddha roared, his expression full of regret, because of his own impulse, the last power of Buddhism was also in danger.

"Do you still want to run at this time? It's too late..."

Liu Bang walked out from the dense forest surrounded by a group of his men, and looked at the Buddhist man who had fallen into his own trap with a playful expression.

"Buddha, you are my Buddha's last hope!"

"Even if I wait for everyone to die here today, I must send you out..."

Buddhist monks roared and escorted Tianchan Buddha to break out of the siege.

"Haha! Buddha?"

Liu Bang sneered and took the Qin crossbow from the hands behind him.

Take the arrow, pull the trigger!


call out!

A black feather arrow flew out suddenly like a bolt of lightning.

Tianchan Buddha was resisting the attack from the slave-catching team, but he never wanted to keep flying cold arrows, was shot directly in the chest, fell to the ground, and lost his life for a while.


The Buddhist monks exclaimed and tried their best, but they were nothing more than trapped beasts fighting.

"Fire arrows!"

A leader of the slave-replenishing team ordered, and all the members of the slave-catching team immediately pulled the trigger of Qin Nu in their hands, and arrows rained down the sky.

In an instant, hundreds of Buddhist monks were killed or injured.

"The mere barbarians are also delusional to resist the monarchy of the Celestial Dynasty, and they are really courting death!"

After two rounds of arrow rain, all Buddhist monks died. Liu Bang looked at the corpses on the ground and spoke with disdain.

"Come here, let me know, and let all the people in various places be ready. As long as those poisonous nobles rebel, they will immediately be destroyed by thunder!"

"At that time, all the rebellious nobles with poisonous bodies will be exterminated by the nine clans!"


Behind Liu Bang, a soldier suddenly agreed, and his figure disappeared in the depths of the jungle in an instant, but he went to the outside world to send a message.


He ignored the corpses of Buddhist remnants on the ground, and Liu Bang immediately left with all the members of the slave-catching team.

And so on, until the sky gradually dimmed and the moon was in the sky.

Among the corpses of Buddhist monks, a figure covered in blood crawled out with difficulty. .

Chapter 449 Digging away the ancient Bodhi tree

Through the dim moonlight, I could vaguely see the countless Buddhist monks lying on the ground.

The figure suddenly let out a tragic cry and choked with pain. If Liu Bang was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was the Buddha of Tianchan who was shot in the chest with an arrow by himself!

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