Never thought that this person is still alive!

"It's all my fault! It's my fault..."

"Those demons from the Qin people are so powerful! I didn't expect even their slave hunters to be so powerful!"

"Sorry, it is my fault……"

Tianchan Buddha's heart was very sad, and he was choked up for a while.

If he hadn't had to stop to stop the Qin people and wanted revenge, then these monks would not have died.

Tianchan Buddha thought that he just killed these Buddhist monks, but he didn't know that, in fact, the real killing such as "Six Seven Three" has just begun!

The night was quiet. At this moment, in the Qin army tent, all the imperial soldiers had fallen asleep peacefully, but there were countless poisonous slaves still working in the dark night by the faint moonlight.

There are also many Qin people supervising the work everywhere.

In Zhennugang, countless poisonous slaves are still desperately building the city.

However, what the Qin overseer never noticed was that in the dark night, the eyes of those poisoned slaves often touched with deep meaning.

"Patriarch, we have prepared all the weapons we need, and we only need to do it as soon as the time is up!"

"It must be possible to kill all these Qin people!"

On a construction site in Zhennugang, several poisonous people are hiding behind a boulder and conspiring.

call out!

Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and a black feather arrow flew and stabbed directly between the eyebrows of a poisoned man.


The few poisonous people were alert and got up immediately, but saw that tens of thousands of poisonous people in Zhennugang were all driven over.

"This general of Shangguo, dare to ask Ananda what's wrong? You killed him like this?"

Among the poisonous people, the poisonous person known as the patriarch got up and asked a question.

The Qin man who held the Qin Nu sneered, lifted the Qin Nu, and pulled the trigger.

call out!

A black feather arrow flew out, and the poisoned man died on the spot.


Many poisoned slaves exclaimed, their expressions filled with uncontrollable anger.

"Why do I need to explain the murder of my Qin people?"

Qin Ren, who killed the poisoned person casually, sneered and spoke with disdain.

"A mere slave, dare to question me from Daqin? Are you worthy?"

"The Lipo clan gathers a crowd to rebel, intending to riot, this time, under the order of General Liu, I will kill all the Lipo clan!"

The poisoned man opened his mouth, and all the Qin soldiers behind him raised their spears one after another and drove them to a huge pit not far away.

"Why? We didn't rebel! You don't have any evidence, why did you kill us?"

A group of poisonous people suddenly panicked and panicked in their hearts. Some were begging for mercy, some were angry, and some were running for their lives. For a time, the scene was chaotic.

"Evidence? My Daqin people kill people, and I never need evidence!"

Everyone in the Qin army sneered with disdain and drove the poisonous people into a big pit.

Chapter 449 Digging the Ancient Bodhi Tree -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Everyone in the Qin army sneered with disdain and drove the poisonous people into a big pit.

Many poisonous people suddenly fell into deep despair, and it was only when they realized that the Qin people had asked them to dig such a big hole during the day, but it was actually used to kill them!

However, even though they knew they would die, none of the poisonous people dared to resist.

They know that the Qin people are strong, and whoever dares to stand up to resist will surely die!

As a result, a very ironic scene appeared, and all the poisonous people were driven into the giant pit.

"Fire arrows!"

The leader of the Qin army opened his mouth, and suddenly the Qin crossbows in the hands of the Qin people shot arrows one after another, and thousands of poisonous people died in the giant pit.

And the same scene, tonight, is still being staged in the tenth state of the Great Qin Empire, all over the Indian continent!

Overnight, as many as [-] people were killed by poisonous people!

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Bang waited outside the palace gate in court clothes and wanted to report the battle to the emperor.

Inside the Fahrenheit City Palace, Ying Zheng spoke with an unhappy expression.

"But a group of Buddhist remnants have to come to report the trivial matters, suppressing a rebellion. Does Liu Bang even tell me what he had for breakfast?"

The valet who came to deliver the message looked apprehensive, so frightened that he hurriedly knelt on the ground, his head kept hitting the ground...  

"Slave should be damned, Your Majesty forgive me!"

"Slave should die, His Majesty atonement!"

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