"Okay! Meng Tian, ​​you stay here and escort the Bodhi tree. I want to plant this Bodhi tree in Xianyang City!"

Ying Zheng looked at the huge and disrespectful giant tree in the distance, thinking in his heart, if this Bodhi tree is planted in Xianyang, and when it grows branches and leaves again, I am afraid that half of the city of Xianyang will be shrouded in it!

"Wei Chen will surely deliver the Bodhi tree to Xianyang safely!"

Meng Tian spoke solemnly.

Ying Zheng stopped talking, turned and walked towards his special treasure ship.

Soon, the huge treasure ship carrying Ying Zheng began to break down and set sail.

It has been almost half a year for the body and the poison team, and the result of these days is that another nine counties and thirty-six counties have been added to the territory of Daqin!

"' 'The little king of the subjugated country has seen His Majesty!"

As soon as he got on the boat, Ying Zheng was about to go in and sleep when he suddenly saw a familiar figure not far away cleaning the floor.

Looking closer, it was the old acquaintance 'Ashoka'!

The former Ashoka was also a tyrannical monarch who looked down on He Xiongzai. Even though the country was controlled by Elder Dixu later, he was still a powerful figure.

But today's King Ashoka has become wagging his tail, and he has been reduced to the point of cleaning the floor!

The monarch of the subjugated country, Ying Zheng is naturally too difficult!

Letting King Ashoka clean the floor must be a good deed done by some of his servants (good Zhao).

However, Ying Zheng didn't open his mouth to help him solve problems. The monarch of the subjugated country is not worthy of letting him speak.

Ying Zheng ignored it and left, leaving only the figure of Ashoka Xiao Suo, and continued to clean the floor.

The treasure ship set sail, and soon, the linden trees that were carried by the two lucky boats behind them also caught up.

A whole fleet, filled with a large number of rare treasures collected from the poison!

The news of Ying Zheng's return to the dynasty had already spread to Xianyang City.

When he learned that his emperor had personally destroyed the mighty Peacock Dynasty and returned with countless treasures, the entire Daqin people fell into a carnival.

"Get ready for the ceremony now!"

"From coastal ports to inland cities, wherever your Majesty has passed, all subjects and people must go to meet them!"

In Xianyang City, Lu Xiang gave an order with an excited expression. .

Body Chapter 452: Unicorn strange beast?

However, Lu Buwei finally miscalculated.

On the treasure ship, Ying Zheng had a whim along the way. When he thought that he had conquered such a country, he still didn't know his true appearance!

So I decided to make a private visit in micro service!

Although he once inspected the world, Ying Zheng knew very well that it was difficult for the emperor to see the life of the people at the bottom.

Therefore, Ying Zheng ordered the treasure ship to dock on the way, and only brought Tian Ze with him for a private visit.

Ancient Zhao State, in the city of Handan.

Ying Zheng sat in a wine shop and looked at the Qin people who were hawking and hawking with a leisurely expression, while Tian Ze sat beside him with a look of emotion on his face.

"Young master, the Qin country rules the world, and now it's really making these people have a good life!"

In the past, the capital of the Zhao State, after Qin destroyed the Zhao State, became more prosperous than before, and there were even many slaves of foreign races!

Along the way, Ying Zheng was quite satisfied when he saw that the people under his rule lived and worked in peace and contentment, and was about to speak.


Suddenly, there was a cold hum from the table next to him.

Ying Zheng turned his head to look at the difference, but found a beautiful Taoist nun in sackcloth and holding a whisk.

The Taoist nun was only fifteen or sixteen years old, her skin was as white as snow, and her back was three thousand blue silk.



Ying Zheng said with interest: "Oh, does this girl have a different opinion?"

"Humph! The people of Qin are tyrannical, the law of Qin is extremely harsh, and Emperor Qin is even more of a tyrannical devil. The people are living in dire straits, yet you still sing praises to him..."


Tian Ze frowned and was about to attack. In his heart, His Majesty the Emperor is omnipotent, and no one can say that His Majesty is not!

Ying Zheng stopped Tian Ze and said with a chuckle, "Why don't the girl ask those people outside whether they like the current life or miss their old homeland!"

"Of course I have my motherland in my heart! If it is possible, who would be willing to be a slave to the subjugation of the country?"

The beautiful Taoist nun wrinkled her nose and spoke earnestly.

Ying Zheng said, "The girl is from the mountains, right?"

"how do you know?"

The beautiful Taoist nun looked surprised and was about to ask a question when the bells on her wrists shook.

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