Suddenly, the girl's expression changed.

"Hmph, I still have something to do, so I won't argue with you!"

Let's just say, the girl grabbed the ups and downs and moved her footsteps lightly, leaving a shadow on the spot, which disappeared in the distance in an instant.

Seeing this, Tian Ze's pupils shrank immediately, this little Taoist girl looks only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she can have such skills, I am afraid she is no weaker than him!

Tian Ze was stunned for a while, it was really hard to imagine how holy it was, to be able to cultivate such a young master!

"Hey! More and more people from Jianghu have come to Handan recently! I'm afraid it will be difficult to live a peaceful life..."

"It's not the matter of Moyu Qilin that caused trouble!"

"If such auspicious beasts really exist, they will naturally attract everyone in this world!"


It seemed that she was shocked by the skills of the beautiful Taoist nun. For a time, many people in the wine shop were talking in low voices.

Moyu unicorn?Auspicious beasts?

Ying Zheng was surprised for a while, is there really a mythical beast in this world?

"Go! Follow along and see!"

Ying Zheng's heart moved, and he took Tian Ze to chase after the girl.

The girl's skills are not weak, but in the blink of an eye, she has already left Handan City, all the way towards the mountains and forests.

Ying Zheng took Tian Ze to hang behind him from a distance, and after about the time of the incense on the spine, the girl finally came to a mountain stream.

Chapter 452: Unicorn Alien Beast? -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng took Tian Ze to hang behind him from a distance, and after about the time of the incense on the spine, the girl finally came to a mountain stream.

At this moment, there are hundreds of people in that mountain stream!


The beautiful Taoist nun stepped forward and stood beside an old Taoist priest with white beard and hair.

When the old Taoist saw Ying Zheng and Tian Ze coming from a distance, he frowned slightly: "Qing'er, you are being followed!"


Hearing this, the girl followed her master's gaze, her face flushed with anger, and her eyes widened.

"I didn't expect you guys to be bad people, actually following me..."

bad guy?

Ying Zheng couldn't help but be speechless, this girl was afraid that she had been in the mountains for too long and had never seen the world!

"Qing'er be careful!"

The old Taoist looked at Ying Zheng and the two with a smile: "The villains are naughty, I hope you two will forgive me!"

Ying Zheng didn't speak anymore, instead he observed other people around him.

Although there are hundreds of people in this mountain stream, there are only three people who are really powerful.

In addition to the old Taoist priest with white hair and beard, not far from it, there are two other people, both with immortal style and childlike appearance, but from the perspective of breath, even Gai Nie may not be an opponent!

As for the others, they were just a little bit of force, they were all small shrimps.

Ying Zheng was curious in his heart, but he never thought that his Great Qin would be so crouching and hiding the dragon. The skills of these three people are strong enough to rank in the top five when looking at the entire Qin country!

"Li Laodao, I said, do you dare to go in? You are still a descendant of Li Er, I didn't expect you to be so timid..."

"Can't we just wait for that unicorn to slip away in vain?"

One of them, the old man with a childish face, couldn't help sneering at the old Taoist priest.

"Senior Jieyu is joking. The villain is young and poor. If she enters the cave, I'm afraid it will be difficult to protect her one or two..."

The old Taoist was not annoyed, just smiled.

Li Er?Take Yu?

Ying Zheng's pupils shrunk suddenly, Li Er is Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, and his descendants can say.

But this Jieyu, is it the famous Chu Kuang in the past?

Chu Kuangjieyu was a man of the same age as Confucius, if so, he would be hundreds of years old now!

Ying Zheng frowned. He didn't expect that there were still things he didn't know about in this big Qin country!

"There is a black jade unicorn in this cave?"

Ying Zheng pointed at the cave and opened his mouth.

Jie Yu sneered again and again: "Little baby, don't come to die!"

"Although the unicorn was seriously injured, the old man was still seriously injured by the unicorn who fought against that unicorn before!"

"With the skills of that unicorn, if it weren't for our three old guys, it could easily kill everyone present!"


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