Hearing Jie Yu's frivolous remarks in front of Ying Zheng, Tian Ze frowned and was about to attack.

Ying Zheng stopped Tian Ze and looked at the cave with interest.

The first is Jie Yu, who can live for hundreds of years, and then there is the unicorn in this myth and legend. It seems that this world is not as monotonous as I imagined!


hoo hoo...

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the cave, followed by a wave of shaking.

"Kirin! It's here..."

Jie Yu looked solemn. .

Chapter 453: Mo Yu Qilin

"This unicorn is what I want!"

Chu Kuang received a loud roar, his expression wild, suddenly pulled out a soft sword from behind, and walked straight towards the cave.

"Brother Jiyu, how can you ignore me~ wait?"

The two old men next to them laughed, stepped on their feet lightly, and walked into the cave.

As the so-called treasure moves people's hearts, in the face of such divine beasts as the unicorn, no one can restrain them, and everyone swarms in.

However, at this moment, one of the old men suddenly swung his sword, and a sword qi passed by, killing dozens of people with one sword!

"Moyu Qilin can actually get your hands on it? Get out of here!"

The old man's brows were cold and murderous in his eyes.

"Mo Chen, you are too murderous!"

The old Taoist frowned.

Seeing the strength of the old man, everyone immediately retreated in fear.

"Haha! Look at this group of trash, Li Donglai, it's a pity that you are also a person who lived for more than two hundred years, and you still care about these ants..."

The old man named Mo Chen sneered disdainfully, and enjoyed the situation where everyone was frightened by a sword attack.

"Tianze, according to the laws of Daqin, what crime should a person who kills without reason be blamed?"

However, at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded.

"Young Master, kill for life, those who kill without reason in public, the three tribes of Yi, will be punished with a thousand swords and a thousand cuts!"

"Good boy, dare to speak madly in front of this old man, courting death?"

Mo Chen sneered constantly, and the sword in his hand suddenly swung out.


Tian Ze suddenly shouted, and with a wave of his hand, a chain flew out, entangling the long sword.

Dare to be disrespectful to His Majesty, Tian Ze's eyes were full of murderous intent, his figure suddenly moved, and he stepped forward to fight the old man.

"It's kind of interesting, kid! It's good to have such martial arts at this age..."

Mo Chen's expression was playful, and he was able to do it well under Tian Ze's attack.


However, at this moment, a huge beast roar sounded from the depths of the cave, followed by a black shadow suddenly flying towards.

Tian Ze didn't pay attention, the chain in his hand flew over, and he fought desperately, a play that was about to die together.

Mo Chen's expression changed involuntarily: "Bastard! Boy, didn't you hear Moyu Qilin coming? If we don't stop fighting, we will all die!"

Tian Ze's strength is much weaker than Mo Chen's, but with the pressure of Moyu Qilin, how could Mo Chen dare to fight against Tian Ze?

"Kid, stop, Mo Yu Qilin is here, I will work together!"

Chu Kuang received Yu and spoke.


Suddenly, a sword light flashed, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the threatening murderous aura almost condensed into substance.

After the sword was over, Mo Chen, who was still alive and alive, suddenly froze, turned into a pile of minced meat in the next second, and died on the spot!

"how is this possible……"

The old Taoist priest and Jie Yu suddenly looked shocked. The three of them got longevity by chance. They have been practicing hard in the mountains for all these years. They never thought that Mo Chen, who was similar in strength, could not stop the young man in front of him!

"Tianze, you are too slow!"

Ying Zheng took back the Tianwen Sword.

"Your Majesty's forgiveness!"

Tian Ze was ashamed, and immediately bowed his hands and bowed.

"What? Your Majesty..."

The old Taoist priest and Jie Yu were stunned again, it was really hard to imagine that this young man in front of him was the first emperor of the Six Kingdoms and Eight Wastelands together, and the five emperors!

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