"Long live Your Majesty..."


The sound was like a sea of ​​waves, and the entire Xianyang City was shaking, and it spread far away.

"Your Majesty, the people heard that you are about to return to the DPRK. Since the exact time is uncertain, people have been waiting in the city since the day before yesterday, just to see His Majesty's true face!"

Beside Ying Zheng, Lu Buwei explained respectfully.

Ying Zheng heard the words, looked at the people kneeling respectfully at the moment, and couldn't help but say with satisfaction: "This is the immortal foundation of my Qin Dynasty!"

"The soldiers and soldiers on the battlefield died, the local officials were clean and honest, and the people supported the country. With such an empire, how can I, the Qin Dynasty, not dominate the world and let all countries surrender?"

Ying Zheng rushed to the people around him and said, "Be flat!" 4.9

Immediately, an attendant from the Huangmen sent an order, spreading Ying Zheng's order to the ears of all the people of Xianyang City.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Once again, long live the mountain, all the people got up one after another.

On the avenue, there were originally countless people crowded, rubbing shoulders, and it was difficult for even a mosquito to pass.

But at this moment, as Ying Zheng drove his horse, all the people gave way.

Ying Zheng drove his horse and went all the way to Zhangtai Palace under the adoring gaze of the people.

Jieyu, Li Donglai and others who followed Ying Zheng were already horrified. They knew that Ying Zheng could rule the world and make five emperors, so he must be an emperor who was supported by the people!

But I really didn't expect that the people of Daqin would worship their king so much...

Chapter 455: Wei Zhuang, who is too deceiving

Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, and the power emanating from his body made Jie Yu and Li Donglai, who were behind him, tremble.

The two of them have a long life span of hundreds of years, and they have experienced the Spring and Autumn and Warring States until now. How many kings of various countries have they met?

Li Donglai is the grandson of Lao Tzu, and Jie Yu is even a madman of Confucius who mocked him in person, but facing Ying Zheng at this moment, he is frightened, and there is only awe!

"What do you two think of my Daqin?"

Ying Zheng said casually.

When Jie Yu and Li Donglai heard the words, they were so frightened that they fell to the ground and said respectfully, "Your Majesty is the first emperor of the ages, and it is our honor to be able to follow His Majesty in our lifetime!"

Ying Zheng was not surprised at all, and then said: "My Great Qin, the ministers are like clouds, the generals are like rain, I don't need the two of you to sacrifice life and death for the country for the time being!"

"I have something for you to do!"

"Despite your majesty's orders, we will go through fire and water, and do whatever you want..."

Li Donglai and Jie Yu are almost a thousand years old together, but at the moment they are kneeling at Ying Zheng's feet respectfully, with a cautious expression on their faces.

For fear of angering the most noble emperor in the world in front of him!

"Chiyang Zhuguo's statement is not obvious, the only people in the world who have really seen and found are you two!"

"I need Chiyang Zhuguo! I leave this matter to the two of you..."

Ying Zheng looked back at the two who were kneeling at their feet, with a calm expression.

"I will obey His Majesty's orders!"

"No matter how difficult the journey is, the two of us will find Chiyang Zhuguo for His Majesty..."

Li Donglai and Jie Yu spoke up.

After handing over the search for Chiyang Zhuguo to Jie Yu and the two, Ying Zheng waved them off.

However, not long after the two left, Wei Zhuang suddenly appeared and knelt down behind Ying Zheng.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Jinyiwei sent the Malay newspaper. After Yinzhou fell to my Daqin, the Buddhist monk Tianchan escaped from death several times, and now he has successfully escaped to Rome!"

"The Yin-Yang family sent people to hunt them down, but if Zen Buddha gained a high status after entering Rome today, the people sent by the Yin-Yang family were helpless..."

Heavenly Zen Buddha?

Ying Zheng frowned and said indifferently, "What does the Emperor Taiyi eat?"

"Can't even a small Buddhist remnant be solved?"

Ying Zheng wanted to put pressure on Dong Huang Taiyi, but after thinking about it, he had a new idea.

"Since the Yin Yang family can't do it well, then he doesn't need to do it!"

"I will send envoys to Rome, scold the Roman Senate, and order them to hand over the Zen Buddha!"

"As for the Yin-Yang family, you can send this information and tell Dong Huang Taiyi to find the seventy-two medicinal materials recorded above according to the requirements of the information!"

"If you can't do such a simple thing well, then there is no need for the Yin-Yang family to exist!"

Ying Zheng spoke indifferently, his might was so strong that Wei Zhuang, who was kneeling on the ground, was sweating coldly for a while, feeling a deep pressure.


Wei Zhuang responded with a bang, took the information respectfully, and suddenly his figure flashed, and the whole person has disappeared.

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