"Your Majesty, the Romans are very proud and hard to train. This time they took in the remnants of Buddhism, just to make it clear that the chariots and horses are going to oppose our Daqin!"

"If Your Majesty just sends envoys to be held accountable, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Romans to compromise!"

At Ying Zheng's side, Gai Nie couldn't help but speak.

Chapter 455 Wei Zhuang who is too deceiving -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At Ying Zheng's side, Gai Nie couldn't help but speak.

He couldn't understand a little, how could this wise and martial emperor of his own do such useless work?


There was a hint of playfulness in Ying Zheng's eyes, and he sneered repeatedly: "What I want is not the compromise of the Romans!"

"It is because they are wild and difficult to train that they need to be conquered by the army of the empire!"

"After I send the messenger, I will set off in person to go to Rome, and wait for the Romans to reject my messenger!"

"I will go on a personal expedition, lead my Daqin army, and destroy the whole of Rome!"

"In this world, there is no need for so many powerful countries, but anyone who does not submit to my Daqin will be punished!"

Ying Zheng opened his mouth, an indifferent voice resounded in Zhangtai Palace, and Genie, who was behind him, was shocked when he heard the words.

It is indeed an emperor of the ages!

The monarchs of the original Seven Kingdoms were able to win several cities in each war, which was a great victory, enough to sing praises for countless years!

And their young emperor, who had just destroyed a behemoth 'Peacock Dynasty' comparable to Daqin, never had the slightest recuperation, and was about to set off to destroy Rome!

To be able to follow such a powerful emperor is indeed the luck of everyone in Daqin!

A gust of wind surged in Gai Nie's heart, looking at Ying Zheng with admiration, and cupping his hands, "Your Majesty, this time, Wei Chen asks to accompany you to escort him!"


Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, his expression calm, and a word came out of his mouth.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Genie looked surprised.


Daqin, the residence of the Yin and Yang family.

Since Ying Zheng's class teacher returned to the dynasty, the tyrant of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huang Taiyi, also hurriedly returned to Daqin.

At this moment, in a quiet valley, Wei Zhuang stood in front of Dong Huang Taiyi with an indifferent expression.

"The Yin-Yang family is not doing well, causing the sons of Tianchan and Buddhists to escape to Rome!"

"Your Majesty has an order in 480. From now on, the Yin-Yang family will no longer be responsible for the affairs of Buddhism, Tianchan, and Buddhist children! From today, we must do our best to find all the medicinal materials recorded in this document..."

Wei Zhuang's expression was full of disdain, and he casually threw a scroll to Dong Huang Taiyi.

That frivolous move caused dissatisfaction among the high-level Yin-Yang family around him, but Wei Zhuang naturally didn't care, his contempt was not groundless.

Although this yin and yang family is famous and scary, it can't even handle the remnants of Buddhism. It is enough to see that its ability is worrying!

If he made quicksand shots, how could the Zen Buddha escape from Indian state that day?

Although the Yin Yang family was extremely dissatisfied, Dong Huangtai didn't care when he arrived. He casually grabbed the scroll and flipped through it for a while, his eyes flashed, and then he bowed his hands respectfully.

"East Emperor Taiyi of the Yin-Yang family, I respectfully abide by His Majesty's decree!"

"Your Majesty also said that if the Yin-Yang family can't even do something like finding medicine, then there is no need to exist!"

Wei Zhuang sneered again and again, and disappeared in place in a flash.

"Girl, this Wei Zhuang is so deceiving!"

"That's right! That day, the Zen Buddha found the Buddhist secret treasure, and the methods are endless, especially it's so simple?"

"I really should let him try it out with quicksand, otherwise I really think I'm just as capable!".

Chapter 456 The whole country came to repair the Epang Palace

"Okay! This is the end of the matter, I instructed to continue, according to the information on the list, to find medicine for His Majesty!"

Dong Huangtai interrupted everyone's discussion with a wave of his hand, and handed over the information in his hand to Yun Zhongjun.

"Yes! Giant!"

Everyone nodded, and then backed away, leaving only Donghuang Taiyi looking at the quiet valley with a solemn expression.

The medicinal herbs on the materials given by the emperor are all rare treasures, and most of them are things that Dong Huangtai has never even heard of!

As the most honorable person in the world, there were not many things that Ying Zheng could care about.

This time Ying Zheng spent so much effort asking the Yin-Yang family to find medicine, an idea immediately flashed into Dong Huangtai's mind.

Elixir of life!

"I don't know if this elixir is true or not!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked solemn and whispered to himself.

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