As the first emperor of the ages, Ying Zheng is so wise and martial, there are not many people who can deceive him. Since Ying Zheng can spend his energy to find it, then this elixir of life may really exist...

The early morning sun was exceptionally bright, and the sunlight penetrated into the Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng stood on the steps of Zhangtai Palace. The tall and splendid palace was the highest place in the entire Xianyang City. Standing on it, Ying Zheng could overlook the entire Xianyang.

He likes to stand here and stare at his people.

"What are the people over there doing?"

Suddenly, when Ying Zheng's eyes fell on a group of Qin people who were carrying stone and wood, he frowned.

"Report to Your Majesty, those people are carrying materials to build the Epang Palace!"


When Ying Zheng heard the words, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly, "What does Lu Buwei do?"

"Who is so daring? He even asked the people of Daqin to build the project?"

"Isn't all the taxation and corvée of the Qin people exempted by me?"

As the saying goes, when the Son of Heaven is angry, millions of corpses are buried. At this moment, Ying Zheng is really angry. He originally thought that he was the first emperor of the ages, and he was in charge of the empire of the great promise. No one in the empire should dare to disobey him!

But I never thought that someone would dare to so blatantly ignore their own orders and let the Qin people build the Epang Palace!

Ying Zheng was motivated to kill, and suddenly the entire Zhangtai Palace fell into a gloomy and cold place.

The attendant next to him was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "Report to Your Majesty, these people spontaneously supply electricity for your construction!"

"It's not someone's orders! I hope Your Majesty will investigate!"


When Ying Zheng heard the words, a look of surprise flashed across his expression. This result was really beyond his expectations, but the next moment he frowned again.

"It's too late for the people to escape from corvée, so how could they take the initiative to do such a thing? Did someone in the DPRK deliberately do this in order to sing praises to me?"

The attendant hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, it is not someone who ordered you, but the people are thinking of you, Your Majesty, you are now sixteen years old, you are an adult, but you still have no descendants' ¨!"

"Your Majesty, you are the origin of my country of Great Qin, and the issue of your descendants is a matter of national importance. The people care about the country, so they care about your Majesty. I heard that you are going to accept the beauty of the six countries in the Epang Palace..."

"So, the people spontaneously organized, hoping to build the Epang Palace as soon as possible!"

That's it!

Ying Zheng's frown finally loosened, and he knew in his heart that since the Qin Dynasty ruled the world, the people were exempted from corvée labor, and with the abundance of food, today's life has not been what it used to be!

Chapter 456 The whole country comes to repair the Epang Palace-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng's frown finally loosened, and he knew in his heart that since the Qin Dynasty ruled the world, the people were exempted from corvée labor, and with the abundance of food, today's life has not been what it used to be!

Therefore, although the corvée is hard, it is the heart of the people for the king and father!

Although it was voluntary by the people, Ying Zheng did not want his people to suffer such hardships.

A truly powerful king should be an inner saint and an outer king!

Implement benevolent governance internally, and control it externally with hegemony!

So Ying Zheng continued, "I ordered Liu Bang to escort [-] poisoned slaves from India to Xianyang to build the Epang Palace!"

"I, the Qin people, are the most honorable people in the world, how can I do such hard work as building a palace?"

"Your Majesty is merciful!"

All the attendants of Zhangtai Palace kneeled on the ground at this moment, long live the mountain.

In the city of Xianyang, Ying Zheng did not stay long, so he started his next personal expedition, targeting 'Rome'!

The Romans took in Tianchan Buddha, the enemy of Daqin, which gave Ying Zheng a good excuse. This time, Ying Zheng planned to take this opportunity to take Rome completely!

From then on, turn Rome into the back garden of the empire!

Of course, the main reason for this is the elixir of immortality!

The materials for refining the elixir of life are all over the world. If he can't plant the banner of Daqin all over the world, he wants to find the elixir of life, but he doesn't know when he will wait!

This time, the journey was long, so Ying Zheng had a large number of people accompanying him.

Gai Nie escorted the guards, Yan Lingji took care of the living, Meng Tian led the entire Yulin Guard army, and in addition, there were [-] cavalry!

Meng Wu expelled the Huns to the west and was at the border of Rome at this time. Although Ying Zheng led a small army, he merged with Meng Wu.

Guan Ning's Iron Cavalry, Shenji Camp, Yulinwei, Daqin's strongest army, and even the third, is it difficult to destroy Rome?

Inside Ying Zheng's imperial carriage.

Ying Zheng was resting on Yanling Ji Guangjie's thigh, closing his eyes and resting, as the army rushed forward, but inside the carriage, he could not feel the slightest jolt.

Yan Lingji looked at the man in her arms, and a trace of admiration flashed in her eyes.

Having followed Ying Zheng for so long, Yan Lingji couldn't help but fall in love with Ying Zheng, but she also knew that she was only a mere maid and was not worthy of Ying Zheng!

Therefore, being able to follow Ying Zheng's side is already (Qian Zhao) Jing is her greatest wish.

"Where is '' now?"

After an unknown amount of time, Ying Zheng opened his eyes sleepily.

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