"Report to Your Majesty, we are about to pass through Ugo Country!"

When Gai Nie heard the movement, he immediately appeared in the carriage.

Ugo country?

Ying Zheng frowned, feeling that this country was a little familiar, as if he had heard of it somewhere.

"Your Majesty, this Ugo country is no more than a small country, and its armoured soldiers are no more than [-], but they made vine armour with a local vine!"

"That kind of rattan armored sword is hard to hurt, and it is extremely lightweight. Although the Ugo country only has three thousand rattan armored soldiers, it was once entrenched in the Western Regions generation, and it is also a powerful country!"

"It's just that after our Daqin conquered the Western Regions, the people of the Ugo country have retreated to the valley, living in seclusion in the mountains and forests and not asking about the world!"

Gai Nie handed over and introduced the origin of Ugo to Ying Zheng. .

Chapter 457 Daqin Riding into Rome!

Fujika soldier?

When Ying Zheng heard the words, his expression suddenly lit up. No wonder he felt familiar. Isn't this the vine armored soldier in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms who caused Zhuge Kongming to suffer heavy losses?

However, Ying Zheng's warm anger immediately said: "Is there no king's land under the whole world, and a king's ministers on the coast of leading the soil!"

"This Wu Ge country lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests of my Daqin. It is my Daqin's people. An dare not respect Wanghua?"

"Gai Nie, send someone to send orders to the Ugo Kingdom, tell them to provide [-] rattan armored soldiers, and follow me to conquer Rome in the west!"

"If you dare not obey, the Daqin Iron Cavalry will soon descend!"


When Gai Nie heard the words, he was stunned, and he immediately agreed.

The news soon spread to the seclusion place of the people of the Ugo country. The strength of the Qin people has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people over the years.

Such a country, in Daqin, is not even a city, how dare to disobey Ying Zheng's orders.

Soon, in Ying Zheng's army, there will be three thousand more rattan soldiers!

All the way to the west, because all of them were cavalry, the marching speed was extremely fast. Even if Rome was so far away, after more than two months, the army finally reached the vicinity of Rome.

"Chen Mengwu pays respects to His Majesty the First Emperor!"

When he heard the news that Ying Zheng was coming, Meng Wu had already started preparations more than a month ago.

He personally led the army, and personally eliminated all the horse thieves forces near Road 220, so as to prevent those small fish from affecting Ying Zheng's mood.

"Be flat!"

"Wei Chen thanks your majesty!"

Ying Zheng lazily stepped out of the carriage, and when he looked around, he saw an endless plain, where the Mengwu army was stationed.

"We see His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty..."

Seeing Ying Zheng getting out of the carriage, behind Meng Wu, Shenji Battalion, Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, and tens of thousands of other cavalry knelt on the ground, Long live the mountain!

In a foreign country, all the soldiers were excited to see His Majesty the Emperor, who was desperately loyal.

"Be flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Tens of thousands of troops stood up in unison, and at a glance, they were elite soldiers in a hundred battles.

Looking at the soldiers in black armor on the plain, Ying Zheng was satisfied. These people were all elites who had experienced the battle of the Huns, plus the soldiers he brought!

How difficult is it to push Rome horizontally with such a large army?

"Come here, send messengers, go to Rome, scold the Roman Council of Elders, and let them escort Tianchan Buddha to Xianyang (ajde) immediately!"

"If you don't dare to obey, my Great Qin Heavenly Soldier will come soon!"

Ying Zheng waved his dragon robe and spoke indifferently.


Mengwu complied with his promise, and immediately dispatched his soldiers to Rome to hear the news.

Mengwu was stationed at the moment, not far from the Roman border, and the soldiers rushed to Rome, but it was a two-hour journey.

Under the circumstances of Ying Zheng's deliberate provocation, the result was as expected. The Qin envoy was very arrogant and rebuked the Roman Council of Elders. In the end, he was directly ignored by the Romans and expelled from the country.

Three days later, the envoy returned to the Qin army station.

Ying Zheng, dressed in dragon-patterned armor, stood on top of the dragon-patterned black iron chariot and glanced coldly at his army.

"Go! Break the city! Target, Rome!"

"Break Rome!"

Chapter 457 Daqin Riding into Rome! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Break Rome!"

"Break Rome!"

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