"Breaking Rome..."

As Ying Zheng opened his mouth, all of the Qin army immediately boiled, screaming to enter Rome.

Of course, it has to be said here that Rome is a city-state country, composed of countless city-states.

At the moment of the ancient Roman Empire, the most powerful city-state is its capital 'Rome'!

"The army is on the move!"

Ying Zheng opened his mouth, and Meng Wu, who was beside him, heard the words and immediately took his orders to leave. The hundreds of thousands of Qin troops immediately acted in a uniform manner.

The closest Roman city to the Qin army station was 'Teutoburg'.

As a border city, the Teutonic Fort was stationed all year round and was a military center of the ancient Roman Empire, with a total of [-] troops stationed in it.

On weekdays, no gang of horse thieves, robbers, etc. would dare to approach within ten miles of Teutonic Castle!

However, today is destined to be a day full of surprises.


Da da……

The sound of hoofs that shook the ground made the soldiers of Teutonicburg full of surprises for a while.

"Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack..."

Although I don't know the strength of the incoming enemy, but listening to the sound of horses' hooves, it seems that there are not many people!

Soon, the soldiers of the Teutonic Fort went up to the tower, armed with weapons and ready to defend the city.

"General Sarofis, who is so bold? He came to invade us Romans?"

The lord of the Teutonic Castle, Rafigal, with blond hair, walked up to the city wall with a dissatisfied expression, and behind him were two generals in golden armor.

"Honorable city lord, my subordinates don't know, the horse thieves in the vicinity all know our strength, and it is impossible for anyone to come and offend us!"

"I really can't think of it, are there really people in this world who are not afraid of death? They came to offend us Romans..."

Sarofis had a relaxed expression on his face, and he didn't take the enemy who was about to commit him in the slightest. He looked relaxed and even joked.

"Hehe! Let's send those who are not afraid of death to meet Satan!"

Another general in golden armor sneered again and again, his eyes very confident.

After all, the Romans are invincible!

However, they soon saw those 'people who did not fear death'!

On the horizon in the distance, billows of smoke were set off, and the cavalry came on horses, standing on the city wall and watching, like a black tide constantly coming.

On the city wall, the smiles of the lord of the Teutonic Castle, Rafigal, and his two generals gradually disappeared...

"Gudong, where did this army come from?"

True experts can see the military discipline and combat effectiveness of an army from the formation of the marching army. They obviously understand that the army outside the city at this moment is by no means ordinary robbers!

"It's Daqin! It's someone from Daqin..."

Sarofes said with a solemn expression, Da Qin in the east, that is almost as powerful as their Rome!

"What are you afraid of! Even if they are some bullshit Daqin people, on our territory, they can only submit obediently!"

Another general sneered again and again, waved his hand, and immediately, countless Roman soldiers carried the kerosene up the city wall.

As long as the Qin army dares to attack the city, the kerosene will fall, and the Qin army will suffer heavy losses immediately!

However, the Qin army did not attack the city as they thought, but stopped a few hundred meters outside the city.

Ying Zheng looked at the city wall in the distance with an indifferent expression: "Meng Wu, within a stick of incense, the city will be broken!".

Chapter 458 Fight for merit!


Meng Wu was dressed in black armor, with a solemn expression, and promised with a bang.

"Shenji Battalion, artillery, prepare!"

Meng Wu roared, and in an instant, in the army on the left, a team of Qin soldiers pushed their artillery and came out.

Reload, fire, and move ~ skillfully, all in one go.


With Meng Wu's order, the muzzles of the artillery suddenly spit out tongues of fire.



In just an instant, countless shells fell on the walls of the Teutonic Fort.

The range and power of the Fran Machine artillery are so long, how can the Teutonic Fort's current ten-meter earthen city wall be able to resist it.

With just one round of artillery, a corner of the city wall collapsed immediately.

All the Romans were stunned when they saw the power of the Franco cannon.

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