"Your Majesty, according to the Malay newspaper, the Romans sent [-] troops this time, including [-] knights!".

Body Chapter 460 Are you at war with the gods?

Three thousand knights?

Ying Zheng raised his brows, he had already heard about the strength of the Western knights, and he didn't know what level these knights were!

Western knights are not only reserve nobles, but each of them must have extremely powerful strength!

However, under the front of my Daqin army, it is also destined to be turned into a dead ghost!

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen, please fight!"

At this moment, Meng Tian came out to fight.

"Your Majesty, please fight!"

The same is true of Mengwu's departure.

Upon seeing this, Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing and said, "What else is there for the two of you to fight?"

"Yu Linwei came here with me, and there is basically no chance to do it along the way!"

"Presumably Yulinwei's soldiers must be eager for this battle. This time the opponent has [-] horses. Just one Yulinwei is not enough!"

"I want you to fight with the Guanning Iron Cavalry and the Shenji Battalion, and you must leave all these Romans behind!"

Ying Zheng opened his mouth, and in an instant, his expression became indifferent and abnormal, and looked at the Roman army outside the city coldly.

"No!" 09

Meng Tian and Meng Wu agreed at the same time, and the two immediately went to mobilize the army.

"Your Majesty, Yulin Wei is here to protect Your Majesty's safety. Your Majesty will send Yulin Wei out. Your Majesty's safety..."

Genie couldn't help frowning, and his expression was full of worry.

"You think too much, is there anyone in this world who can hurt me?"

Ying Zheng didn't care much, and then said: "With my strength, even if you are caught in a chaotic army, you can easily kill it!"

"As for the power of the guards, it is enough to have you and the shadow guard!"

Gai Nie wanted to say something at first, but after thinking about it, Ying Zheng's strength is indeed unique in the world, and no one can threaten his safety!


At this moment, the gate of the Teutonic Castle opened, and Qin troops rushed out of the city one by one, and the killing shouts immediately attracted the attention of Genie.

Yu Linwei, Guan Ning Iron Cavalry and Shenji Battalion, the strongest army of Da Qin who came this time accounted for three of them, and their strength was comparable to that of an extraordinary army.

Three thousand Yulin guards, three thousand Guanning iron cavalry, plus ten thousand Shenji camps, there were only less than twenty thousand people, but when they rushed out of the city, they carried a monstrous power.

The enemy was in the middle of the army, and Lei Bida looked at the Qin troops who rushed out of the Teutonic Fort, and a hint of shame and anger flashed on his face.

"These Qin troops are really deceiving people too much!"

"I came with an army of [-] people, and they sent so many people! They underestimated me so much..."

"Follow me and kill them all! Give the Qin people on the opposite side a lesson..."

Lei Bida pulled out the long sword from his waist and roared with anger in his expression.



"Definitely win..."

In an instant, behind Lei Bida, a [-]-strong army shouted, and the sound was like a sea of ​​waves, deafening, and spread far away.

In an instant, the army of the Romans started.

The distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer, until when the distance was approaching [-] meters, the Shenji Camp and the Guanning Iron Cavalry suddenly stopped.



After the dull sound, the smoke on the fire had just dissipated, but the Romans on the opposite side fell thousands of people in an instant!



The next moment, firearms such as Shenhuo Flying Crows and Hundred Tigers rushing around flew and fell into the Roman army.

Chapter 460 Are you at war with the gods? -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The next moment, firearms such as Shenhuo Flying Crows and Hundred Tigers rushing around flew and fell into the Roman army.

At this moment, the Roman soldiers once again experienced the fear of the Romans in Teutonicburg being dominated by firearms.

"My God! What the hell is this?"

"Are those Daqin people gods? Help..."

Countless Roman soldiers who fell into the range of firearms were panicked, and the powerful Macedonian phalanx was instantly disintegrated!

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