"Damn! How can these Daqin people have such powerful weapons?"

In the middle of the Roman army, Lei Bida led [-] knights, looking angrily at the Roman soldiers and soldiers who were killed by the Qin army on the battlefield.

"General, although their weapons are powerful, they seem to be some means of long-range attack!"

"As long as our two armies confront each other, we can definitely move back to our disadvantage!"

The knight beside Lepida spoke up.

As one of the three great warriors of Rome, Lei Pida's ability to lead troops is unquestionable. Hearing this, Chome immediately found that the weapons in the hands of the Qin army were somewhat similar to bows and arrows.

If the distance is close, the lethality of that weapon can be infinitely reduced.


Lei Bida immediately ordered and waved his sword.

In an instant, the three thousand knights received the order and rushed into the battlefield like a torrent of steel.


Meng Tian saw the three thousand knights coming from a distance, a sneer flashed across his expression: "Yulin Wei, charge!"


All the Yulin guards immediately raised their guns and mounted their horses, Meng Tian waved a finger, and all the Yulin guards rushed out in an instant.

In an instant, Yu Linwei rushed towards the three thousand Roman knights like a torrent of steel.

"Haha! How daring..."

When Lei Bida saw that someone in the Qin army dared to fight against them, he immediately laughed excitedly.

In a war on weekdays, even in a large-scale battle of [-] people, as long as there are hundreds of knights, it is possible to play a decisive role!

Now he leads [-] knights, which is comparable to the strongest legion in the history of Roman warfare. The Qin people on the opposite side don't know what to say, but they dare to charge!

"Kill all his 053s!"

Lei Bida roared and waved the golden long sword in his hand.

"Kill them all!"

The three thousand knights behind him roared in response, and the sound was deafening over the entire battlefield for a while.

Meng Tian sneered, just driving the horse, Yu Linwei was also silent, like a poisonous snake hidden in the jungle.

In the next moment, Yu Linwei and the Three Thousand Knights finally faced off.


The two armies fought each other, carrying the powerful impact of the war horses.

The soldiers on both sides are elite soldiers in a hundred battles, and both hold the confidence of victory. However, in the end, one side is destined to become a loser.

Lei Bida was extremely brave, and drove his horses to fight hard, killing three Yulin guards one after another along the way.

However, his mood became heavier and heavier. He was one of the three great warriors in Rome, and it was so difficult to kill the soldiers on the opposite side!

Obviously, these Qin troops are very powerful.

Clearly feeling the pressure from all around him increasing, an ominous premonition flashed in Lei Bida's heart, and he turned his head quickly, only to find a scene that surprised him.

The three thousand knights behind him were completely pressed and beaten by this group of black armored Qin soldiers!

This is only a stick of incense, but more than half of it has been lost, and the Qin army has almost no losses!


Lepida's catalogue is torn apart. This is the foundation of Rome. . . .

Text Chapter 461 Romans?Vulnerable!


Lepida shouted vigorously, but to no avail.

At this moment, the two armies clashed, and all the three thousand knights were caught in the entanglement of Yulinwei.

Under the strong offensive of Yulinwei, how could they retreat?

On the other side, the [-] Roman army was still unmoved. At this moment, seeing that the owner of the house was surrounded by a heavy siege, a general immediately ordered a wave to rescue.

"Shenji Camp, dispatch!"

Meng Wu in the distance saw the strange appearance of the Roman army, he pressed the hilt of his sword, and said solemnly.


All the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion immediately complied with their promises and went head-to-head.



The firearms of Shenji Battalion were sharp, with [-] people in a row. When the distance between the two armies was still [-] to [-] meters, Shenji Battalion fired a salvo and directly killed thousands of people on the opposite side.

The second round, the third round...

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