The tactic of queuing to kill once was popular in World War I, and facing the army of the cold weapon era at this moment, it is naturally a congenital suppression!

The Shenji Camp had a total of [-] people, [-] people in a row, a full five rows.

Usually, when the soldiers in the last row fire, the first row has already been reloaded!

As a result, the distance of [-] meters has become a nightmare for the Romans.




Every time a gun is fired, it means that there are Romans who come forward and fall!

Just charging a distance of more than [-] meters, the Roman army on the opposite side has already fallen tens of thousands of people!

Such a loss made the Romans so terrified they couldn't help themselves.

"My God! How can these Qin people be so strong?"

"They are the devil, save me! Save me... woo woo..."


The Romans collapsed. After several rounds of lining up to kill, the Roman army was unstable, and even the charge was abandoned halfway!

Countless Romans cried and turned around and fled.

"Bastard! Come back! Come back for me..."

Lei Bida saw the collapse of his army, and he was so angry that he was in chaos.

As the saying goes, the defeat is like a mountain, and in just an instant, the situation handed the victory to the Qin army with an overwhelming advantage!


Lei Bida cursed inwardly. At this time, the army was defeated like a mountain. Lei Bida has been a veteran for many years. Naturally, he knows that the form at this moment cannot be saved by manpower!

The only thing you can do is to bring back your own army as complete as possible to recover the losses!

"Come here, charge with this general and kill the leader of the Qin army!"

Lei Bida roared and gathered the guards around him in an attempt to create confusion for the Qin army by beheading him.

However, just when Lei Bida was about to make a move, there was a sudden roar of Qin general in the distance.

"I'm Meng Tian, ​​how dare you fight me.¨!"

On the black black horse, Meng Tian was dressed in black armor, his cloak was loose with the wind, and he held a steel spear as he drove the horse with all his might.

The target is Lei Bida in the chaos!

Despite the language barrier, it did not prevent Lei Bida from finding the leader of the Qin army. Almost instantly, Lei Bida drove on his horse and rushed towards Meng Tian.


Lei Bida roared, the whip slammed on the horse's back, and the spear in his hand pointed at Meng Tian. With the speed of the horse, as long as he stabbed Meng Tian, ​​he would definitely be killed on the spot!

"Quack! Looking for something dead..."

A sinister smile flashed on Lei Bida's face, thinking that Lei Bida was one of the three great warriors of the Roman Empire, how could Xiao Xiao Qin be his opponent!

As long as the Qin general is killed, the Qin army will inevitably be in chaos, and then they can retreat safely!


Rabid roared.

Chapter 461 Romans?Vulnerable! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Rabid roared.



On top of the war horse, the two of them crossed each other, bringing with them a bloody flower.

A golden figure fell weakly from the horse's back, and was quickly turned into flesh by the chaos of the army.

Meng Tian's speed did not decrease, and he swung the bloody spear in his hand, striving to kill...

"The general is dead, the descendant will not be killed!"

Meng Tian drove the horse and shouted in the language of ancient Rome.

"The general is dead, the descendant will not be killed!"

"The general is dead, the descendant will not kill..."

The Qin army shouted loudly. Before the war, Mengwu, a similar key term, had taught the whole army a long time ago.

Soon, the Qin army cut off Lei Bida's head and held it up high.

When the Roman army saw that the head of its main general was hanged high, the army's heart was suddenly disturbed, and the situation was slightly defeated, and the army collapsed at this moment!

At this moment, the [-] Roman army collapsed!

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