"Kill! Avenge General Lei Bida..."

However, at this time, there are still people walking against the sky!

Meng Wu always pays attention to the situation of the entire battlefield, and he looks at the voice, but it is the three thousand knights who have been bitten by Yu Linwei!

However, at the moment, there are only less than a thousand people left in the Knights.

"Humph! Where is Guan Ning's iron cavalry?"

Seeing this, Meng Wu immediately raised his eyebrows and spoke coldly.

"' ' is here!"

The Guan Ning Iron Cavalry responded with a bang.

"Target, Roman knight, kill it all!"


The next moment, Guan Ning's iron cavalry was dispatched and rushed into the battlefield in an instant.



The Roman knights, who were already about to collapse, were all holding on by their will.

After a few breaths, all the Roman knights were slaughtered!

Soon, the Qin army was in the military tent.

"Report to Your Majesty, all Roman armies have been defeated by my Qin army!"

"The beheading of [-] Roman Knights, [-] Roman soldiers, and [-] prisoners!"

Meng Wu, dressed in armor, knelt on one knee in front of Ying Zheng with a solemn expression, reporting the results of the war.

"How's our loss?"

"My Great Qin Yulin Guard lost [-] people in the battle, the Guanning Iron Cavalry and the Shenji Battalion had no casualties, and the cavalry lost [-] people!"

Meng Wu opened his mouth.

When Ying Zheng heard the words, his brows (the ones he got) were twisted together, and his expression was painful and angry.

"Despicable Romans! I actually lost hundreds of good sons to my Daqin..."

"There are so many losses in this battle, especially Yu Linwei, who is the elite of my Daqin elite! There should be no such loss!"

Ying Zheng opened his mouth with a painful expression, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

The left and right were suddenly shivering, killing tens of thousands of enemies, but only a few hundred people were lost, but the enemy's loss was [-]%!

Such a victory, in any country, can be regarded as a great victory!

However, Ying Zheng was actually very angry and dissatisfied!

"Where is Meng Tian?"

"Chen is here!"

Meng Tian, ​​dressed in black armor, immediately came out and knelt on the ground.

"My Daqin Yulinwei is the elite of the world, and all of them have experienced hundreds of battles. If I lose like this every time a war occurs, how many times can my Yulinwei withstand wars?".

Text Chapter 462 The anxious Roman Senate

Meng Tian heard the words, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

"Wei Chen is guilty!"

Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian indifferently, and then said, "Yu Linwei has suffered a loss, but it's because you are not strict with your imperial authority, and you are responsible for your hard work and merit, and I will punish you for half a year..."

"From now on, be sure to train Yu Linwei strictly for me!"


Meng Tian agreed with a bang, and his expression was filled with determination.

This time, Guan Ning Cavalry and Shenji Battalion did not have any casualties, but Yu Linwei had more than ten casualties, which made Meng Tian extremely ashamed!

"The soldiers who were killed and wounded this time must double their pensions!"

Seeing that the effect of beating on Meng Tian was almost the same, Ying Zheng spoke again.

"Your Majesty's Grace!"

In an instant, all the Qin troops knelt on the ground, long live the mountain.

With a king who loves them so much, how could they dare not to die?How could Da Qin not dominate the world?

"All the Roman soldiers captured this time were demoted to slaves, and the Teutonic Fort was rebuilt!"

"This castle is the first stop for my Daqin to conquer Rome. From now on, it will also become an important town for my Daqin to suppress Rome and the surrounding countries!"

050 "From now on, Teutoburg will be renamed 'Zhentiancheng'!"

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