"Zhen, I want to make this Sky Town become a sharp sword hanging over the head of the Western Continent! Guard this continent for me, Qin Mu, and it will last forever..."

Ying Zheng's unquestionable voice reverberated in the army.

It is foreseeable that from the moment Ying Zheng issues an order, a new city will inevitably re-emerge on this piece of land under Ying Zheng's feet... Zhentian City!

And Zhentian City will also become the center of the European Continent and the largest city in the entire Western Continent!


"Damn! Who can tell me what's going on?"

In the Roman Senate, Brutus was furious, and his angry voice echoed in the hall.

When the news of the defeat came, it immediately caused an uproar among the Romans. The Romans, who claimed to be invincible in the world, were actually defeated by the Qin army who fought away from home on their own land!

"That waste of Lei Bida, a whole three thousand knights, no one came back!"

"We also lost two hundred thousand troops..."

"It's not because you proposed Lepida to lead the army!"

Brutus was full of angry complaints.

Lepida is a Cassius person, and his ability is not outstanding. The reason why he can become one of the three great warriors of the Romans is actually because of Cassius' support.

"I proposed Lepida at the beginning, and it was the result of our joint decision!"

"Everyone agrees, why should I end up putting the fault on me?"

Cassius spoke with dissatisfaction. At first, everyone thought that the Qin people were vulnerable.

He thought this was a good opportunity to help Lepida to gain military merit, and he paid a great price for him to lead the army!

Unexpectedly, in the end, this trash repays himself like this...

"Agree? I don't know what exactly you mean by consent?"

Brutus sneered.


Anthony frowned. "What's the point of saying this now?"

"Now that we have been defeated by the Qin people, the situation is very tense, not only whether the Teutonic Castle can be taken back!"

"It's very likely that those Qin people will take an inch and attack again, and then we will lose more land..."

When many Roman elders in the Senate heard the words, they were immediately anxious, and they talked a lot for a while.

Chapter 462 Anxious Roman Senate -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When many Roman elders in the Senate heard the words, they were immediately anxious, and they talked a lot for a while.


"Our top priority now is to send someone who can fight to stop the Qin people!"

"The Qin people's firearms are very sharp, we must find a way to deal with them!"

"Everyone here, we are all attached to the Roman Empire. If the tree falls, all of us will die!"

Anthony interrupted everyone's discussion, and his sharp (ajbh) eyes swept over the many elders.

"I propose that this time we will send more people and let Zeith and Philippe go together!"

In an instant, Anthony's proposal received a response from everyone.

"That's right, we must send more people. Lions will use all their strength to kill rabbits. We must use the strongest force to quickly destroy the Daqin people!"

"Yes! For the glory of Rome, destroy the Qin people..."

All of a sudden, in the entire hall of the Elders, the crowd spoke angrily.

"If that's the case, then let's vote!"

So, the results of the vote by the Roman senators soon came out.

In the end, everyone unanimously decided that the remaining three Roman warriors, Qis and Felipe, should jointly lead the army to expel the Qin people! "

"This time, Zeith and Philippe will go out and will lead an army of [-] people, and the number of knights is as high as [-]!"

Such strength, but it has taken away more than half of the entire Roman power, almost a national war!


Rome, the town of Tiancheng.

After the previous war, the Qin army captured tens of thousands of Roman soldiers. These soldiers, driven by the Qin army, began to expand the Teutonic Fort.

Thanks to the day and night efforts of tens of thousands of Roman soldiers, Zhentian City is changing with each passing day.

For such a full half a month, the Roman Empire seemed to be peaceful, as if there had never been a war before.

Naturally, Meng Wu and others knew very well that the so-called calm was just a prelude to the storm.

In half a month, with the efforts of Roman soldiers, Zhentian City has begun to take shape!

Vaguely, there is already a trace of the outline of a super city!

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