

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of firearms that were unique to the Qin army!

"What's going on outside?"

Qi Si's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Almost subconsciously, Zeith grabbed the long sword and rushed out of the military tent.

As soon as he got outside, the sight that came into his eyes made Qi Si's heart completely cold, but he saw that outside the military tent, there were Qin troops in black clothes and black armor. Everyone has turned into a hell Shura, struggling to kill the enemy!

At this moment, the defenseless Roman soldier was like a naked girl who could only be bullied at will by the reckless man on the opposite side.

"Ah! Help..."

"Come on, come and save me, help!"


The Romans cried a lot. They were just woken up by Qin Jun and woke up from their sleep. They were completely unprepared. At this moment, everyone was in chaos!

There are many elite knights who can calm down, but under such a turbulent situation, they are powerless!

"Yu Linwei obeys the order and kills all the Roman knights, and cannot let anyone go!"

Meng Tian, ​​dressed in black armor, rode on a black horse, roared loudly, and threw the steel spear in his hand, which instantly penetrated the body of a Roman soldier!


"Yulin Wansheng..."

The soldiers of Yulinwei agreed to their promises, and they roamed the battlefield specifically, looking for the elite knights in the Roman army!


Looking at the already chaotic scene, Qi Si suddenly felt ashes, and only felt cold hands and feet.

A second ago, it seemed that the dawn of victory could still be seen. Seeing that he was about to exterminate the Qin people, he became famous and became the pride of all Romans!

But in a blink of an eye, why has everything changed?

"Retreat! Retreat..."

Qi Si looked helpless, his eyes were blank, and he murmured to himself the order to retreat.

At such a time, the Qin army was obviously prepared. In a battle tonight, the [-]-strong army will inevitably suffer heavy damage!

escape!How far to run away...

This is the only thought of Chis at this moment!

However, the fearful and chaotic Roman soldiers apparently did not obey the commander's orders.

At this scene, Ziss was even more desperate.

call out!

At this moment, not far from Qi Si, a Qin army soldier brazenly pulled the trigger of the Qin crossbow in his hand.

Chapter 465 The First Warrior of Rome -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this moment, not far from Qi Si, a Qin army soldier brazenly pulled the trigger of the Qin crossbow in his hand.

The target is the panic and helpless Qi Si in front of the military tent...

At this moment, on the city wall of Zhentian City.

"Your Majesty, this night attack, our army will definitely win a great victory!"

Meng Wu glanced at the screams of killing outside the city, and the flag of the Qin army fluttered in the wind under the light of the torches.

"I, the Qin soldiers, are invincible in the world. This time, I will use my heart to calculate without my heart, and I will completely wipe out the Romans on the opposite side. I am not surprised at all!"

Ying Zheng's expression was calm, as if he was watching a trivial matter.

Over the years, Daqin's soldiers, under his leadership, have defeated too many powerful enemies!

A mere [-] Roman troops, but nothing!

"Meng Tian was ordered to capture the prisoners as much as possible after defeating the Roman army. The construction of Zhentiancheng is still short of people..."

"I, I will use the bones and blood of these Roman soldiers to build the Heavenly City that will shake the Western Continent of Great Qin!"


Meng Wu responded with a bang, and bowed his hands respectfully.

After speaking, Meng Wu immediately summoned his soldiers, gave a few orders in a low voice, and then sent them away.

At the same time, in front of the military tent in Rome.


Zise screamed, and finally came back to his senses.

If he hadn't subconsciously avoided the danger, the arrow would probably not have hit him in the chest, but between his eyebrows!

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