"Damn things!"

A look of anger flashed in Qi Si's eyes, thinking that he was one of the three dignified Roman warriors, with such tyrannical strength, he would be hit hard by a soldier on the battlefield...

This is simply humiliating him!

The murderous aura in Zeith's eyes almost turned into reality.


Qi Si roared, the long sword in his hand suddenly swung out, and the sword slashed at the neck of the Qin army soldier. Seeing that the Qin army soldier was about to die in the next moment.


The soldier subconsciously resisted with the short sword in his hand, and the whole person flipped backwards to avoid the deadly sword!

"Oh! It's kind of interesting..."

A flash of surprise flashed in Qi Si's eyes. He didn't expect that a small soldier could actually block his move with 520!

However, it all ends here!

A bloodthirsty and cruel color flashed in Qi Si's eyes, and suddenly, his body swayed, the whole person bullied him, and the sword in his hand had been stabbed.

However, the Qin army soldier was faster than him, the Qin crossbow in his hand was aimed at Qi Si's head, and when he moved his finger, a black arrow feather flew out...


After a dull sound, the black arrow sank into Qi Si's eyes, bringing with it a bloody flower.

Qin Nu's strength is so strong that even armor can shoot through it, and the pupil is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, how can it block the crossbow arrow!

The next moment, Zise's body fell to the ground weakly.

The soldier of the Qin state was reluctant to clean up the Qin crossbow. With a short knife in his hand, he cut off Qi Si's head skillfully and raised it high above his head!

"The general is dead, the descendant will not be killed!"

The Qin soldier shouted in a broken Roman language, and by the way raised his head high in his hand.

"The general is dead, the descendant will not kill..."

When the Roman soldiers, who were already very panicked and panicked, saw the situation here, they suddenly felt desperate, dropped their weapons one after another, and knelt down and begged for surrender.

So, wherever the Qin soldier passed, all the Roman soldiers dropped their weapons one after another.

"You bastards, who made you surrender?"

"I am still alive, we Romans have not lost...".

Text Chapter 466 Three hundred thousand Roman slaves!


"You bastard, Qi Si is dead, and I'm still alive!"

"Take up arms for Lao Tzu and continue to fight!"

In the chaos of the army, Felipe, who was fighting hard, noticed the situation here, and suddenly looked angry.

It was too late to rebuke Zeith for this rubbish, and Felipe hurriedly roared, expressing her existence and wanting to revive the heart of the army.

"Since you are not dead, then I will give you a ride!"

Suddenly, a roar came from behind Felipe, and a figure wrapped in black armor, carrying a steel spear, drove the black horse to come.


Accompanied by an angry shout from the figure, the steel spear suddenly flew into the air, like a life-threatening poisonous snake, piercing Felipe's body.


Felipe vomited blood and fell to the ground weakly.

"General Meng is mighty!"

Qin Jun, who saw Meng Tian's shot, shouted, and his voice broke through Xiao Han.

"The descendants do not kill!"

Meng Tian sat on the Wuxian horse, like a god, and spoke in the Roman language with an indifferent expression.

"Surrender! We surrender..."

It seemed that they were shocked by Meng Tian's move, or it was probably because the two main generals died, the remaining Roman soldiers finally gave up their resistance and ended the night-raid battle that was like a nightmare for them.

It's a pity that they don't know that the real nightmare is just the beginning...

Soon, all the Roman soldiers were captured by the Qin army and became new slaves for the construction of Zhentian City!

In this battle, the Qin army completely wiped out most of the strength of the Roman Empire, and this ancient empire in the western continent was completely destroyed!

Throughout the night, the Qin army was busy collecting the prisoners.

Until dawn, all the Roman defeated troops were escorted under the city walls outside Zhentian City.

"Your Majesty, in this night attack, our army has successfully defeated the Roman army and captured [-] soldiers!"

"Last night our army suffered [-] casualties, and none of the Shenji Camp, Yulinwei and Guanning Iron Cavalry were casualties~"! "

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