Meng Wu, dressed in black armor, stood respectfully on the city wall, reporting to Ying Zheng the results of yesterday's battle.


Ying Zheng nodded, his expression showing a hint of satisfaction, this time the night attack was unexpected, and the Qin army took the lead, but it took a very small loss to destroy the [-] Roman army!

"Your Majesty, according to the report of the soldiers, the commander of the Roman army this time is the second of the three great warriors in Rome, Qis and Philippi, both of whom were killed last night!"

"It's just that Zise secretly sent someone to dig a tunnel leading to the city before. If it wasn't for our army's successful night attack last night, it is very likely that the Romans would have entered the town from the tunnel tonight!"

Meng Wu opened his mouth, there was the emperor of the Great Qin Empire in this town, and he couldn't imagine how terrifying the consequences would be if the Roman army attacked the town because of negligence!

"Heh! Any conspiracy, in the face of absolute power, can only be crushed..."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he sneered with disdain.

How could the strength of the Qin army be shaken by an unexpected night attack!

In this town of heaven, the strongest army of Daqin is gathered in the third place. Even if the Romans really enter the city, at most Daqin will lose some soldiers!

"Meng Wu, these [-] Roman soldiers will be handed over to you!"

"From today onwards, the construction of Zhentian City must be accelerated..."

"When Zhentian City is built, it will be the time when the Roman Empire will be destroyed!"

Ying Zheng, dressed in a black dragon robe and a flat crown on his head, looked like a heavenly emperor, looking at the [-] Roman prisoners under the city with an indifferent expression.


Chapter 466 Three hundred thousand Roman slaves! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.


Meng Wu heard the words, his expression excited again and again, and suddenly agreed loudly.

Although today's Daqin destroys the city and destroys the country, it is only a snap of the fingers, but it can destroy the first powerful country in the Western Continent. With such a feat, how can Mengwu not be excited!


But at this moment, compared to the excitement of the Qin people in Zhentian City, the city of Rome has already set off a monstrous wave!

"Why? Who can tell me why the invincible Rome lost to the same enemy twice in a row?"

In the Roman Senate, Brutus roared loudly.

This time, he really couldn't calm down. Among the [-] troops, [-] were the freshmen of their family!

In order to retake the Teutoburg, he made a big bet on this war, but he lost everything!

"You calm down first!"

"Qin people are very powerful, this has indeed exceeded our expectations..."

"As the saying goes, the one who knows you best will always be your opponent!"

"I think we need to invite the Tianchan Buddhist son of the Peacock Dynasty to ask. I must be able to get a lot of useful information about the Qin people from him..."

Cassius opened his mouth to appease, and then made a suggestion.

At this time, no one cares about Brutus' gaffe, and even his old opponents have no heart to gloat in misfortune!

The existence of Qin people has seriously threatened the security of Rome.

At this moment in the Senate, everyone is extremely united!

"'"That's right, all this was caused by that Buddhist son of the Peacock Dynasty!"

"I think, if you hand that Buddha's son to the Qin people, you can quell their anger and exchange for peace. This may be a way..."

"Bastard! You are tarnishing the glory of Rome! We are Romans! Romans don't need to bow their heads..."


In an instant, in the Senate, it was fired again.


On the main seat of the Senate, Anthony let out a gloomy shout.

"Are you still arguing at times like this?"

"Find the Buddhist son of the Peacock Dynasty. This war was caused by him. This time, let him hand over all the Buddhist secrets!"

"Otherwise, hang him..."

Anthony opened his mouth, and the elders who were still quarreling heard the words 'Buddhist (Nuolai) secretly hidden', and immediately shut up.

Soon, Tianchan Buddha was led in.

"Dear elders, I have also heard the news of the Teutonic War, and I express my regret!"

"This war started because of me. I have a way to help you deal with the Qin people, not only to kill them all!"

"You can also let everyone here get Da Qin's firearms..."

Tianchan Buddha elegantly walked into the Senate, turning a blind eye to the hostile eyes of everyone, and said directly.


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