Suddenly, an elder exclaimed.

When everyone heard the words, there was a hint of greed in their eyes.

The reason why the Qin people were so cleanly beaten in the war was because the group of Qin people from the east had powerful firearms!

If Rome could have such a powerful weapon, wouldn't the entire western continent become the land of Rome...

Text Chapter 467 The Roman Trap

"Do you have a way to deal with Qin people?"

A look of doubt flashed across Anthony's face. If Tianchan Buddha was really able to deal with the Qin army, would he end up being expelled to Rome like a bereaved dog?

"That's right!"

Tianchan Buddha said confidently: "Before I came to Rome, I once opened the secret collection of Buddhism, and obtained the thousand-year accumulation of poisonous Buddhism!"

"In the Buddhist classics, there is a secret technique called 'Dragon Subduing and Demon Demon Formation', which can be deployed with [-] Buddhist Arhats. The power is powerful, and the gods can block and kill the gods!"

"I once called history, there was a sage who defeated an army of [-] in one fell swoop with this formation..."

The voice of Tianchan Buddha reverberated in the Senate, and everyone who had been quarreling listened intently.

"Three thousand defeated an army of two hundred thousand?"

"This is simply a fantasy! If your Buddhism has such a powerful means, can you still be destroyed by the Qin people on your land?"

In the Senate, a Roman elder immediately questioned, and his expressions were full of disbelief.

Tianchan Buddha still chuckled, as if he had expected this situation long ago, and said calmly: "Although this dragon subduing magic formation is powerful, it has been lost in my Buddhist school for a long time, but when I fled, I accidentally left the Buddhist school. I found it in the secret treasure! This is from the same source as the few abominable longevity pieces I gave you back then, but the Buddhists have long lost the Bodhi Fruit!"

"Even if your Buddhist formation is powerful, can we find 997 Arhats in [-] now? Moreover, with the strength of the Qin people, even if you can resist [-] troops with [-]! You are definitely not an opponent..."

Anthony, who was headed by him, frowned.

When Tianchan Buddha heard this, he immediately chuckled: "We can pretend to surrender and make peace with the Qin people! At that time, Emperor Qin will definitely come in person, and we will definitely be able to capture him alive in one fell swoop!"

"The emperor of the Qin people has a supreme position in their country! If we capture him and use this threat to exchange for the Qin people's firearm formula, we will surely succeed!"

"The strength of the Qin people is only better than the sharpness of firearms. If Rome can have the same firearms, the Qin people can raise their hands and destroy them!"

"As for Fomon Luohan, I can make some slight changes to the formation, and only need your country to provide [-] knights to exert the same power..."

With the introduction of Tianchan Buddha, the elders who were originally disdainful soon showed their expressions of interest.

"We can give you [-] knights, and you will arrange the traps. We must ensure success!"

Anthony made a final decision. Naturally, at this critical juncture, no one would object. (ajdg)

"But where should the trap be set?"

Cassius said hesitantly.

Tianchan Buddha said: "It's located in Rome!"


"Does the emperor of Qin dare to come to our Rome?"

When Anthony and the others heard the words, they immediately looked at Tianchan Buddha with a foolish look.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under the walls, and the emperor of Qin is a noble person, so how could he be personally involved in danger?

"The one who knows you best is always your enemy!"

"Trust me, he will come!"

Tianchan Buddha had a confident smile on his face, and spoke decisively.

"If that's the case, then it's decided! Immediately send someone to send the proposal and the book to the Qin people..."

All the elders in the senate unanimously approved the proposal of Tianchan Buddha, so Anthony immediately issued an order.


In Zhentian City, in a luxurious military tent.

Ying Zheng took the peace book handed over by his valet, swiped it casually, and suddenly sneered.

Chapter 467 The Roman Trap-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng took the peace book handed over by his valet, swiped it casually, and suddenly sneered.

"Your Majesty, the Romans have bad intentions and want you to go to the city of Rome to negotiate peace. If they set up an ambush in it, Your Majesty may be in danger!"

"Weichen thought that we should attack immediately and wipe out the only remaining power in Rome, and from now on this country can only be reduced to a colony of our great Qin Dynasty!"

Meng Wu bowed his hands respectfully and opened his mouth. The Roman traps were too obvious, and Ying Zheng was too important to Qin, if he was really in danger.

It was definitely a catastrophe for Da Qin!

"Reconciliation? Hehe, I must go to Rome..."

Ying Zheng casually threw the peace book on the ground, his expression full of unquestionable color.

In the military tent, Meng Wu and others heard the words, and they were immediately worried and wanted to dissuade Ying Zheng.

"Meng Wu, Meng Tian obey the order!"

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