Ying Zheng didn't give them a chance, he waved his sleeves and said indifferently.

"Chen is here!"

Meng Wu and Meng Tian immediately came out and bowed their hands respectfully.

"Assemble Yulinwei, Shenji Camp and Guanning Iron Cavalry and head to Rome!"

"I want to destroy the city of Rome myself! Let this country live in the shadow of the empire from now on..."

Ying Zheng's indifferent and domineering voice resounded in the military tent.

For a time, Meng Wu and others were in awe, and looked at Ying Zheng with admiration, so the emperor made them wish they could die for it immediately!


Everyone agreed with a bang, and Meng Wu and Meng Tian immediately went out of the military tent to dispatch troops.

This time, following His Majesty's personal expedition to Rome, we must personally lead three legions of less than [-] people to conquer a great empire!

It is a great honor for them to participate in such a grand event!

in the Roman Senate.

"The messenger of the letter has returned! The emperor of the Qin people promised to come in person..."

"It is said that their emperor only brought less than [-] people as guards!"

"Haha! Qin people are really idiots! Even if such a few people dare to come to Rome, even if there is no 'King Kong Demon Formation' of poisonous Buddhism, we will definitely kill him easily!"


In the Senate, many elders burst into laughter after hearing the news, thinking that their plan had succeeded!

"Don't take it lightly! I'm afraid the Qin people may have other plans secretly..."

When Tianchan Buddha heard the words, his brows suddenly became a ball, and he had some ominous premonitions in his heart.

It's just that I couldn't figure out what went wrong for a while!

"Qi! You proposed the whole plan! Why haven't I seen you say there is a problem before? Now that the Qin people are in the game, you are starting to oppose it again?"

"Didn't you claim that you knew the Qin people very well?"

Seeing that Tianchan Buddha was disappointed at this time, many elders showed dissatisfaction.

These days, Rome has been in the depression of defeat, and finally had the opportunity to pull back a game, this kid actually poured cold water!Simply unforgivable...

Tianchan Buddha's heart was speechless: "The First Emperor is a first-class hero in the world. Destroying a country and massacres a city is like drinking water and eating. When you fight against such a person, you can't be too careful!"

"If you are not careful, all of you here will probably die without a place to be buried...".

Chapter 468 Daqin does not accept peace talks

"You are too unreasonable!"

In the Senate, Anthony frowned, his expression full of disdain.

"The Qin people are only strong because their firearms are sharp, and their country is the emperor's word. How can it be compared to the wisdom of so many of us?"

"Our dignified Rome is a republican system of elders. Those Qin people are still in a backward feudal system. How can they be compared with us? This is our system's crushing of them..."

Anthony's words were immediately unanimously approved by the elders, and everyone immediately started to ridicule the Qin Empire, showing no doubt about the superiority of their own system.

Seeing that even the chief elder of the Senate, Anthony, had such a posture, Tianchan Buddha was speechless for a while. Can a group of sheep be compared with a lion?

The ending of this group of idiots is probably already predictable, it seems that I have to make plans early!

"Tianchan Buddha, this action depends on you! Now we will hand over the last three thousand knights in Rome to you for training, and we must ensure that the Qin people are taken down in one fell swoop!"

Anthony turned his head and looked at Tianchan Buddha with a solemn expression.

"Relax the elders, my Buddhist formation will definitely not let you down!"

Tianchan Buddha said solemnly.

Outside Zhentian City, there are already many soldiers standing at this moment.

Ying Zheng was wearing a black dragon-patterned battle armor, holding a Tianwen sword, standing on top of the dragon-patterned black iron chariot, looking at his soldiers indifferently.

"If the Romans want me to make peace, they must have prepared a conspiracy and trap waiting for me!"

"But I don't like trouble! Daqin never accepts peace talks! Rome, I want it..."

"Today, I will take you all to get my Rome back!"

Ying Zheng's hand pressed the sky to ask for the sword, and his voice full of indifference and domineering reverberated in the sky.

When the tens of thousands of Qin soldiers heard the words, their hearts surged, and they shouted excitedly: "Take back Rome!"

"Take back Rome!"

"Take back Rome..."


Yulinwei, Shenjiying and Guanning's Iron Cavalry had no more than [-] people, but the roar was so strong that it broke through the sky, and the sound was still shaking hundreds of miles away from Zhentian City, and those who heard it were shocked!

Ying Zheng looked at the group of Qin soldiers in black armor in front of him, and his heart was full of pride.

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