The elders sat on wax at the city gate.

"Emperor Qin is too arrogant!"

"These Qin troops are too deceiving!"

As soon as the Roman elders spoke up in shame, they just wanted to capture the Emperor Qin, but they lost ten

Wan Dajun, and will suffer a great humiliation!

How terrified the people were!

"Go! Enter the city, take them to the Roman Forum, and immediately activate the formation to kill them all! 5.9"

Anthony's face was ashen, he was the chief patriarch of the Roman Empire, but in one day, several times three times.

Fan was humiliated by Qin's little general!

Such a shame can only be washed away with blood!

"Tianchan Buddha has gone, as long as the Qin army passes through the Roman Forum, the formation will be launched immediately!"

Brutus spoke up.

Soon, a group of Roman elders caught up with the dragon-patterned black iron chariot.

"Emperor Qin, we have prepared a place for your army in the Roman Forum..."

Anthony stepped forward to speak, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Meng Tian's wave.

"I, the first emperor of Qin, came to a country, only the palace can be worthy of the status of your majesty!"

"Since there is no royal palace in Rome, the Senate will be the temporary residence of my emperor from today onwards.

Idle people, etc. are not allowed to enter...".

Chapter 470 The Buddhist battle formation can be destroyed by raising your hand

Meng Tian sat on the Wuxian horse, like a god general, looking down at Anthony indifferently.

Temporary residence in the Roman Senate?

Hearing this, Anthony was so angry that he almost vomited blood. The Qin people were so defiant!

Is Rome really their territory?

However, there is no need to worry too much about them, go to the Roman Senate, destined to pass through the Roman Forum, and immediately launch a formation to kill these Qin people!

Anthony's expression flickered: "If that's the case, then I'll send someone to guide the direction, and I'll go and let everyone in the Senate leave!"


Meng Tian stood high above Wu's horse, and looked at Anthony indifferently.

Hearing this, Anthony almost exploded with anger.

Damn your uncle, a little Qin general, dare to tell me 'exact'?

I wonder when I, Anthony, the dignified chief elder, suffered such a humiliation!

Anthony raised his head and stared at Meng Tian's figure for a long time, silently swearing in his heart that when Ying Zheng was captured, he would send someone to capture this Qin general, and then he would be smashed into pieces!

Ying Zheng stood on top of the dragon-patterned black iron chariot, like a heavenly emperor traveling, under the escort of Qin Jun 09, all the way to the Roman elder Yuan!

"Tianchan Buddha, I am here to summon the news on the order of the elder Anthony!"

"The Qin army is about to arrive at the Roman Forum. Please Tianchan Buddha must annihilate these Qin people in one fell swoop and capture the first emperor of the Qin state..."

In a huge and vast open space square, Tianchan Buddha stood surrounded by the army, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes when he heard the words.

"Ying Zheng, you destroy my sect, destroy my country, my family, and slaughter my clan... This time, I need your blood to pay for this bloody case!"

Tianchan Buddha said with a ferocious expression, thinking that his Buddhism was once the first sect of the Peacock Dynasty, controlling the entire dynasty, but it was destroyed by the Qin people!

The hatred in his heart was so overwhelming that it was impossible to vent!

Qin's army was equipped with fast horses, and the marching speed was naturally not slow, and they soon reached the Roman Forum.

"What happened to those people?"

Meng Tian saw at a glance that a large number of troops were stationed in the distance of the square, and the sword in his hand was unsheathed and immediately placed on Cassius' neck.

"General, this, this is the defender in our city. It's just because your country's army enters the city and it's a matter of great importance, so the defender will prepare and assemble!"

Cassius complained in his heart that in order for the Qin people to take the bait, this kind of hard work of leading the way must be done by high-level people!

Otherwise, it is not enough to win the trust of Qin people, but unfortunately, he was unlucky and was chosen by lottery!

Although it has long been ordered that the Roman army will protect him during the war, it is still difficult to say whether he can survive...

It's life-threatening this time!


Meng Tian's expression turned cold, his wrists spit out, and the long sword slid across Cassius' neck.

In an instant, blood spurted out, and Cassius, a generation of Roman elders, died on the spot.

"How can you hide from my eyes in a mere battle formation? You even tried to sneak through the border..."

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