Meng Tian spoke disdainfully, without even looking at Cassius' corpse.

"Your Majesty, our army is now trapped in the battle of the Romans, and I may have a hard fight..."

Meng Tian spoke solemnly.

"In a mere battle, my Daqin soldiers can be destroyed by raising my hand!"

Ying Zheng asked the sword according to the sky, stood on top of the dragon-marked black iron chariot, and looked ahead with a domineering expression.

"Meng Tian obeys orders!"

"Chen is here!"

Meng Tian responded with a bang.

"Break the battle, capture a group of elders from the Roman Senate to see me!"

"Dare to deceive me, they will pay the price..."

Ying Zheng's face is stern, the emperor cannot be deceived, and the Romans dare to deceive him, this city is destined to shed blood!


Meng Tian answered the promise loudly, unsheathed the long sword in his hand, and waved it suddenly.

Chapter 470 The Battle of Buddhism, Raise Your Hand to Destroy -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Meng Tian answered the promise loudly, unsheathed the long sword in his hand, and waved it suddenly.

"Your Majesty, the guards of the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, Yulinwei, Shenji Camp, charge with me!"


All the Qin troops clung to their promises, their voices resounding through the sky.

Seeing this, the Tianchan Buddha in the distance was immediately startled.

"King Kong Demon Demon Formation, start it immediately!"

"Come here, dispatch the army, kill with me..."

With the order of Tianchan Buddha, in an instant, three thousand knights in golden armors rushed out in eight directions around the square!

And behind those knights, there are countless Roman armies.

The King Kong Demon Demon Formation has just been formed, with a majestic vision and murderous aura.

"Yulin Wei, kill with me!"


Meng Tian, ​​dressed in black armor, led the Yulin Guard and the Shenji Battalion, and rushed to meet the golden armored knights.



In an instant, the sound of fire from the Shenji Camp resounded throughout the battlefield.

The countless golden-armored knights on the opposite side immediately fell to the ground, the two armies charged, and the Romans' golden-armored knights died, and the speed of the charge dropped immediately!

"Yulin Wei, kill with me!"

Meng Tian swung his long sword and took the lead, while Wu's horse rushed into the Roman army.


Yu Linwei loudly promised, followed closely, and rushed directly into the army formation.

Soon, the Romans felt the fear of being dominated by iron!

All the weapons of the Qin army are made of steel, tough and sharp, and the bronze weapons of the Romans will break when touched.

"Ah! My sword..."

"Bastard, this is a fart! Help! Help..."


In an instant, the Roman soldiers wailed, and the weapons in their hands were broken as soon as they clashed with the Qin Army 353. As a foot soldier, do you want to take the hilt to the hard steel cavalry?

However, the nightmare has only just begun!



Suddenly, in the Shenji camp, countless large firearms such as Shenhuo Feijia and a hundred tigers rushed out, and the Roman army was crowded with soldiers.

Usually a fire of flying crows can destroy a large number of Roman soldiers!

As a result, under the wailing and fear of the Roman soldiers, the Qin army raged wildly, as if entering a land of no one!

"My God! How can Qin Jun be so strong?"

"Is this the army of gods in the sky?"

Countless Roman soldiers wailed.

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