"Yeah, Qin people are like devils! If we dare to resist, everyone will die..."

"I beg you, city lord, for the lives of all the people in the city, you must open the city gate..."

The city lord of Tianlan City looked at the group of nobles who were greedy for life and fear of death, and his heart was desolate.

Although I have the will to resist the Qin people, but the people in the city are floating, even if I resist, the Qin army will definitely break the city, and then everyone will die!

"Open the city gate!"

City Lord Tianlan waved his hand tiredly, turned around and left, leaving only an unusually desolate back.

The Roman nobles who were allowed to look excited suddenly, many soldiers were relieved, and there were even cheers from the people in the city.

Soon, countless Roman nobles opened the city gates and stood at the city gates to welcome the arrival of the Qin army.

The Qin army swarmed in, ignoring the group of Roman nobles standing at the city gate.

"Leave [-] people, confiscate the weapons of the Roman soldiers, and guard the city!"

"The rest, continue to attack, the next city, the target, Stan Hua!"


Soon, a captain of the Qin army led people to stay behind to collect the weapons of the Romans.

The remaining Qin army, led by Meng Wu, attacked one after another.

Because the murderous name of the previous massacre spread all over Rome, coupled with the strength of the Qin army, almost no one could stand it.

For a time, wherever the Qin army passed, all Roman cities opened and surrendered!

Of course, there will also be swearing-to-death resisters.

So Meng Wu fulfilled them and ordered the slaughter and massacre of the city.

For a time, under the tyrannical cavalry of the Qin army, hundreds of city-states in Rome surrendered in a month.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the three hundred and sixty city-states of the Roman Empire have all surrendered, and all the gold and silver paid by the poll tax in all the cities have been transported to Zhentian City!"

In the Senate of Rome City, Meng Wu spoke respectfully.

"This time, the minister led the army to recapture the Roman territory, but luckily not humiliated!"

"Not bad!"

Ying Zheng sat on the black dragon chair and said something casually.

"The construction of Zhentian City cannot be delayed. All Romans who have not paid the poll tax will be demoted to slaves and escorted to Zhentian City!"

"Zhentian City, be sure to build it as soon as possible!"

Ying Zheng sat on the dragon chair and spoke indifferently.


Meng Wu took the lead.

Ying Zheng glanced at him and continued to speak.

"As the most powerful country in the Western Continent, the Roman Empire is naturally particularly desirable!"

"Although the Roman soldiers are very weak, they are barely usable compared to other Western countries. From now on, I order you to recruit millions of Roman soldiers and set up a Roman legion to assist the Qin army in suppressing the Western Continent!"


Chapter 473 Meng Tian Xianbao -->> (Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.


Meng Wu promised loudly, and his heart was surging.

Millions of legions, even if these Romans are not as powerful as the Qin army, but such a large army will definitely become a sword hanging over the heads of Western countries.

With such an important task, His Majesty entrusted it to himself with a very clear purpose. When His Majesty returns to China in the future, the Admiral of the Western Continent will surely become his possession!

The Meng family has been favored by the Qin royal family for generations, and now it is full of generals and controls countless troops. Such favor, he Mengwu will swear to repay His Majesty...


At the same time, just when the Qin army was ravaging the whole of Rome, a group of poisonous monks had quietly fled Rome.

"Buddha, now Rome has completely fallen under the forces of the Daqin army. This world is so big that there is no place for my Buddhist school..."

Beside Tianchan Buddha, a poisonous monk opened his mouth in despair.

"How come? I have sent people to Egypt to preach before, and I got very good feedback!"

"Now that the Queen of Egypt has recently ascended the throne, she is only sixteen years old. As long as we can sell her Buddhist beliefs, then we will be able to gain a foothold in Egypt!"

"As long as we can gain a firm foothold in Egypt, in a few decades, Buddhism will unify the Egyptian faith!"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Tianchan Buddha's face was full of a calm smile, and he spoke confidently.

After seeing the group of idiots in the Roman Senate before, he began to prepare for the way back, in essence, just in case, never thought that he would really live because of it!

"Egypt? Buddha, it is said that the new queen of Egypt is only sixteen years old, and she is beautiful and beautiful..."

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