Behind Tianchan Buddha, a monk with a big belly flashed repeatedly in his eyes, and opened his mouth with excitement.

Tianchan Buddha frowned: "Kasyapa, the Queen of Egypt is an important figure in the revitalization of our Buddhism. You must win it over, you are not allowed to make trouble..."

"I know you are practicing the secret Buddhist 'Happy Zen Method'! When you go to Egypt, I will find some women for you! But don't think about the Queen of Egypt!"


Tianchan Buddha said with an unquestionable look.

"Yes, Buddha!"

Kasyapa replied helplessly.

"Let's go! Egypt has a strait as a natural barrier from the Western mainland!"

"The Qin people have just conquered Rome, and they will have to rest for a while. After that, there are other countries in the western continent blocking them. No matter how long the Qin people's hands are, they will not be able to reach Egypt!"

"As long as we have a firm foothold in Egypt, no one will be able to threaten us..."

Tianchan Buddha said with a firm expression, with encouragement in his tone.

This is really a helpless move. The monks behind him followed him and escaped from poison all the way to here. They managed to gain a firm foothold in Rome. As a result, Rome was destroyed by the Qin people!

At this moment, the morale of the Buddhist monks has long been low, and they are doubting life!

So, a week later.

The Qin army occupied Rome and finally managed to barely control the Roman Empire.

In addition, Mengwu is vigorously preparing for the 'Roman Legion'. As long as it succeeds, Daqin's control over the Roman Empire will inevitably rise to a peak!

"Report to Your Majesty, after General Meng Tian broke Rome, he searched the mansions of nobles and found some exotic treasures, and came to present them to His Majesty!"

The city-state of Rome, in a newly built palace.

A valet stood beside Ying Zheng with a respectful look and spoke.

Alien treasure?

Ying Zheng frowned. .

Chapter 474: Meteorite from the sky, the sword of the devil

Alien treasure?

"Call Meng Tian to see me!"

Ying Zheng wore a black dragon robe, flicked his sleeves, and sat on the dragon chair again.


The valet hurriedly complied with the promise and stepped back with a respectful expression.

"Summon General Meng to see you!"

"Summoned General Meng to meet..."


Soon, Meng Tian, ​​dressed in black armor, entered the palace where Ying Zheng was located. Behind him, several waiters in the palace were standing there with wooden boxes in their hands and respectful expressions.

"Report to Your Majesty, when Wei Chen was ordered to collect Roman treasures, he found some amazing treasures and came to present them to His Majesty!"

Meng Tian, ​​dressed in black armor, knelt down on one knee, with a respectful expression, without the slightest demeanor of the peerless killing god in the eyes of the Romans!

"Hurry up and show it to me!"

Ying Zheng's expression revealed some "July [-]" Xu very interested expression.

So, the waiters behind Meng Tian took orders and stepped forward to open the wooden box.

There were five wooden boxes. When they were opened, there were bright lights and a strange fragrance. Suddenly, the focus of the entire hall was on the wooden boxes.

"Ding! Discovered the three-hundred-year-old Bodhi fruit, which is one of the adjuvant materials for the elixir of life!"

Suddenly, when Ying Zheng's eyes fell on one of the wooden boxes containing a gray fruit, a system prompt sounded in his mind immediately.

Seeing that Ying Zheng seemed to be interested in Bodhi Fruit, Meng Tian immediately made an introduction.

"Your Majesty, this is the mysterious fruit of the Buddhist sect of poisoning. It is said that it is the son of Zen Buddhism, who has a chance to open a secret Buddhist sect, and found the Bodhi fruit in it!"

"This bodhi fruit can increase your lifespan by hundreds of years! It's a rare treasure!"

"There were originally six bodhi fruits in that Buddhist secret collection, but it's a pity that the remnant of Buddhism should be damned. After taking it himself, he bribed several fruits to the Romans!"

"Those Roman senators have already been slaughtered by all means, and they have done such extraordinary things!"

"Your Majesty is the foundation of my great Qin, and now this Bodhi Fruit is the only one in the world, and only His Majesty is eligible to enjoy it!"

Meng Tian spoke respectfully.

Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction. He never thought that he would be able to find an adjuvant material for refining the elixir of life. This is an unexpected joy!

Before, he handed over the task of finding medicine to the Yinyang family, and he didn't know how Donghuang Taiyi did things!

"Your Majesty, this is the 'Wall Spirit Pearl', a specialty of the Roman Empire! It is the treasure of the Roman Empire!"

Meng Tian continued to speak, pointing to a colorful wooden box to continue the introduction.

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