Tian Zeke led the shadow guards to monitor the movement of the army at all times, so that supplies could be delivered to the front line quickly and safely.

As for Bai Feng, his speed is too fast!

He is a very good messenger and can greatly shorten the time it takes for Ying Zheng's orders to reach King Jian's hands!

In order to ensure the [-] troops on the front line, Ying Zheng mobilized the entire Qin state.

The entire Qin Kingdom instantly turned into a huge war machine.

But Ying Zheng was still not satisfied with this.

"There are still too few weapons! Remove all the equipment of the black armored cavalry and send them to the front line first."

The black armored cavalry is well-equipped, and there is no doubt that when sent to the front line, a powerful black armored cavalry can be quickly equipped.

"This cavalry is led by veteran Meng Ao!"

Ying Zheng quickly issued an order.

At this moment, Meng Tian's loud voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Little minister Meng Tian, ​​ask the king's permission to lead Yulinwei to fight against Zhao!"

Chapter 10000 Ying Zheng's sharpest spear! (Add more flowers for 1 flowers!) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Little minister Meng Tian, ​​ask the king's permission to lead Yulinwei to fight against Zhao!"

Although the [-] Yulin guards led by Meng Tian suffered nearly [-] casualties in that war, the overall strength of the remaining [-] was more than a point and a half stronger than before.

This is exponential growth, they have adapted to the battlefield!

Ying Zheng saw Meng Tian walk into the hall, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Meng Tian, ​​the widow likes your fighting spirit very much."

"However, do you know why the widow formed Yulinwei?"

Meng Tian raised his head, his eyes flickering with astonishing light.

"To rule the world!"

"That's right! Widows want to dominate the world, and they also want to make Yulinwei the sharpest spear of widows, invincible!"

"And the first thing to raise is your soldier soul!"

"Yu Linwei's black-armored iron cavalry can't make a move. Once they make a move, they can instantly defeat all enemies! In the end, they will become an invincible army soul!"

"The widow wants all the people in these six countries to hear the black armored iron cavalry, and they will have the idea of ​​no war!"

"And the war against Zhao is a war of attrition! This is not suitable for you to fight the enemy."

"When you attack Handan, the capital of Zhao, you will have the opportunity to show your skills."

"And now Yulinwei, what he has to do now is to prepare for the battle!"

Meng Tian immediately fell to his knees.

"Little minister understands!"

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

There is no doubt that Meng Tian is a malleable talent.

These teenagers are also easily shaped into invincible momentum, and he does not want these teenagers to suffer setbacks in the war with Zhao.

Moreover, temporarily hiding them first is the same as hiding a sword!

At the same time, Ying Zheng also opened the system.

On the map, the Qin army's front was constantly advancing forward.

"The battle is not bad. Zhao Jun is currently attacking Yan Kingdom in the northeast."

"And the Que and Land are far from the Zhao country's capital, Handan, and the Zhao country will not be able to help in a short period of time."

"At the moment, the border cities of Zhao Kingdom are all requisitioned Zhao people, and naturally they cannot stop the widow's army."

"It's just that the widow is most worried about, after all, those Zhao generals who defeated the Qin army."

"They are old, but they are not dead!"

Chapter [-] Lian Po is old, can he still eat?

There were four famous generals in the Warring States Period.

One was Bai Qi, who killed [-] soldiers of Zhao State.

The second is Wang Jian, who helped the first emperor to unify the seven kingdoms. Even in modern times, the Taiyuan Wang family is still famous.

Both of them were generals of the Qin state.

But these two people, Bai Qi died, Wang Jian has not accumulated so much credit.

And the other two are the famous gods of war in this era!

And these two are from Zhao.

They are still alive!

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