One is Lian Po!In the battle of Shangping, less wins more. Later, when King Yan of Yan attacked Zhao State, Lian Po led his army to attack the capital of Yan, forcing King Xi of Yan to surrender.

From then on, Lian Po worshipped the chancellor!

Ying Zheng thought of Lian Po, a veteran, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It's a pity that Zhao general Lianpo will never enter Qin."

"If you say this Lian Po, it has some origins with Lu Xiang."

"In those days, Lu Buwei spent a lot of money to bribe Guo Kai, a favorite of King Zhao's side, and forced Lian Po to leave, and finally went to Wei!"

"However, Lian Po had commanded soldiers to occupy Wei's land many times, and King Wei did not trust Lian Po."

"It's a pity that Li Si went to Wei State to recruit Lian Po on behalf of the widow, but was rejected."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look in Li Si's direction through the system.

"Lian Po has rejected Li Si, claiming that Da Qin is his eternal enemy."

"Since the widow can't get you, it will only destroy you completely."

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

Li Si did not return to China, but intercepted Zhao Guo's envoys who came to see Lian Po.

Now that the Qin army was under pressure, King Zhao felt the pressure, and naturally wanted to reuse the veteran Lian Po, so he sent an envoy with a pair of precious armor and four fast horses to Daliang, the capital of Wei, to express condolences to the veteran.

Li Si looked at Zhao Shi with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Envoy Zhao wants to die and live?"

The envoy of Zhao State looked at Li Si, what was icy cold.

"who are you?"

Li Si then took out a jade pendant, and Zhao's envoy's eyes were suddenly very serious.

This jade pendant belongs to his son.

"What did you do to my son?"

Li Sidao: "Don't worry, your son and your family are safe under our protection now."

"It's just that if you really invite Lian Po back, I can't guarantee the safety of your family."

"Of course, if you can do a good job for me, there will be no shortage of money or prosperity."

After Li Si finished speaking, he threw the jade pendant to him and turned to leave.

Chapter 1 Lian Po is old, can he still eat? -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

After Li Si finished speaking, he threw the jade pendant to him and turned to leave.

The Zhao State envoy changed his gaze for a long time, and finally rushed to Daliang.

The veteran Lian Po waited outside the door for a long time.

He has the heart to return to Zhao State.

However, even if he eats a bucket in front of the envoy, eats ten catties of meat, and even puts on armor and mounts a horse, the envoy has already been bribed!

When the envoy returned to Zhao State, the Qin army led by Wang Jian had already broken through many cities in the southern part of Zhao State, and the distance from Handan was only across the Zhangshui.

Daqin territory has advanced five hundred miles!

At this time, King Zhao asked the messenger with a look of anticipation.

"Lian Po is old, can he still eat?"

"Although General Lian is old, he can still eat. He just sat with me and went to the toilet three times in a short time."

King Zhao couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that General Lian is really old and can't be activated."

When the messenger heard this, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It seemed that his family was saved.

It was just that Lian Po, who was still in Daliang, the capital of Wei, was still waiting outside the door.

"Master, what are you waiting here every day?"

"I'm waiting for the messenger of King Zhao, and let me put on armor for Zhao State again."

It's just that Lian Po didn't know that he couldn't wait for this opportunity again.

When Ying Zheng knew about this plan, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"There are two generals in Zhao State."

"One is Lian Po, who has now been abandoned by the faint-hearted King of Zhao, and the other is also one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period."

"Li Mu!"

Wang Jian and Li Mu, both one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, are now on the same battlefield!

At the same time, Ying Zheng also obtained information about Li Mu from the shadow guard.

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