Soon, thousands of Roman slaves gathered on this construction site.

"Kill all the Qin people! Give me back my freedom...' . …"

"Fight for freedom!"


Countless Romans gathered, shouting slogans, each with a vicious spirit, and the news of this place quickly spread, attracting many Roman slaves to join.

It's just, it's strange that no one Qin Jun appeared in such a big movement!

"Patriarch, the notification has been completed, and our people have all assembled!"

Soon, someone will come back to recover.

In the entire Shocking City, nearly [-] Roman slaves rebelled at the same time!

The [-] people were naturally monstrous, and wherever they passed, they were surrounded by countless timid and retreating Roman slaves. It didn't take long for the number to grow like a snowball.

"Old Patriarch, look, we are about to succeed!"

"There are so many of us, even if Qin Jun wants to stop it for a while, he can't stop it!"

"As long as we rush out of this city and we take these [-] slaves to the west, it is impossible for the Qin people to catch us for a while!"


Around the old man, everyone looked excited for a while. They just wanted to escape and get rid of their slave status!

I never imagined that things went so smoothly!

Chapter 476 Resist?Sitting in the pit to kill! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

I never imagined that things went so smoothly!

This time, they have [-] slaves. As long as they firmly grasp these people, they can still live the life they used to live in fine clothes and food!

"I always feel that something is wrong!"

The old patriarch said hesitantly, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Patriarch, you are really too mythical Qin people!"

"At such a time, what if they come?"

"Hundreds of thousands of people, can they kill them?"

Beside the old patriarch, the young clan's expressions were full of indifference.

However, just at this moment, a group of black armored Qin troops suddenly appeared in front, standing there, ready to go, with soldiers standing in rows.

The fierce momentum of the Qin army made the Romans tremble for a while. Although there were only [-] people, it gave them a feeling of facing the god of death!

Out of fear in their hearts, all the rebellious Roman slaves stopped at the same time.

"Everyone, kneel and hold your head, otherwise, all will be killed..."

At this moment, several Qin soldiers stepped forward, shouting loudly.

Pit kill?

When the Roman slaves heard this, there was an uproar.

Soon, someone was kneeling on the ground with their heads covered.

With the example, the Minoan effect appeared immediately. In just a while, hundreds of thousands of Roman slaves all knelt on the ground.

"Bastard! Get up, get up for me!"

"The Qin army has only [-] people, and we are twenty times their number! We will definitely be able to escape..."

"' 'You idiots, don't kneel, stand up for me!"


The old patriarch who headed him had cold hands and feet, and looked at his young junior in despair as he shouted like a madman.

But the [-] Roman slaves knelt on the ground, as meek as Mianyang.

call out!

Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and a black feather arrow flew into the sky, hitting the young man's chest directly.

"Pfft... bastard! Stand up... we still have a chance..."

The young Roman vomited blood and died immediately, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and he couldn't rest his eyes!

"Come here! Kill the chief evildoer and press all the other slaves back!"

The leader of the Qin army opened his mouth, and instantly dozens of Qin soldiers stepped forward, scolding them for a while, and immediately pressed the hundreds of thousands of slaves back.

"Eh? Rebellion?"

Roman city-state, in the palace of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng casually put down the book in his hand, and said with a gloomy expression, "Da Qin doesn't need slaves who are full of rebellious (returned) anti-psychology!"

"Since those slaves want freedom, let them have their own way in hell!"

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