"Kill all the slaves who participated in the rebellion in this town!"

Ying Zheng gave an order with an indifferent expression, glanced coldly at Meng Wu, who was kneeling on the ground in cold sweat, and then said, "By the way, pass this news to all the slaves in the major city-states!"

"Let these Romans improve their memory! If they dare to resist Da Qin, they must have the consciousness to pay the price..."


Meng Wu opened his mouth with a serious look and handed over his orders.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen thinks that for the slaves caught in Rome this time, the system of joint sitting can be adopted!"

"Fifty people in a group, supervising each other, if anyone dares to rebel, everyone will sit together! If anyone reports it, they will be spared death!"

"Everyone has selfishness and selfish desires. Only in this way can we better control this group of slaves...".

Chapter 477 High-ranking knight?Not as good as Qin Bing


Ying Zheng's indifferent voice echoed in the hall, and Meng Tian resigned respectfully.

Soon, the Qin army slaughtered the [-] slaves who rebelled in Tiantian City. The incident spread all over Rome immediately, and all Romans were panicked for a while.

The tyrannical and cruel image of the Qin army has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people since then!

Almost to the point where you can stop a child from crying.

However, in the great Rome, how could they not find people who have the courage to resist the Qin army!

The rebellion was still one after another, although it was not as large as the slave rebellion in Tiantian City, it still kept the Qin army busy.

At this moment, in a primitive mountain range.

"Patriarch, the Qin people have occupied our homeland. Are we Abraham going to live here forever?"

"Rome is our territory! The Qin people took it without asking. This is an offense to the majesty of our Abraham!"

Inside a luxurious ancient building, an angry voice echoed in the building.

"Elder Seven, sit down first!"

In that ancient building, around a huge round table, there were twelve old men sitting around, and the old man sitting at the top spoke calmly.

"Patriarch, what the seven elders said is good!"

"The Qin people are violating our Abraham's interests. Are we just letting it go?"

"Although we are a hidden family, we still have a foundation in the world!"

"If the Qin people are allowed to be presumptuous and wait for them to establish a new order, I am afraid it will be the time when we Abraham will decline!"

An old man next to the head also spoke.

"Second Elder, we Abraham are not the only hidden forces in our western continent!"

"The Qin people in the East can destroy Rome, and I am afraid that their own strength is not trivial! Why should we Abraham be the forerunner?"

"Let Cain and the Holy Church test the water first!"

The patriarch chuckled and spoke calmly.

"Patriarch, Rome has fallen, and we Abraham are the ones who suffered the most!"

"Count on the idiots of the Cain family? Those timid vampires can't figure out how to read jokes at the moment!"

"Those Qin people only destroyed the secular power of Rome. With the strength of our Abraham, why should we be afraid of them?"

The seventh elder's fiery temper immediately exploded with anger when he saw the patriarch's seemingly irrelevant appearance.

"Patriarch, I have sent Lifu, the strongest knight under my command, out of the mountains, and ordered him to capture a high-ranking Qin man!"

"In this way, we will know the truth of the Qin people as soon as we ask!"

When the old patriarch heard the words, his expression suddenly became restless, and he frowned and said, "Seventh elder (ajag), the invasion of the Qin people is a matter of the entire Western Continent!"

"How can you be so impulsive and put me Abraham in a disadvantageous situation..."

Hearing the words, the seventh elder said indifferently: "Patriarch, Lifu is my person, this matter has nothing to do with the family!"

"With the strength of Lifu's high-level knights, even in the entire Abraham family, he can still rank in the top five! Why is it difficult for him to go and capture a Qin man?"

The patriarch couldn't help frowning, and said with a gloomy face: "Although Lifu obeys you, but you don't know how much resources the family has consumed in order to cultivate him over the years?"

"We Abraham has only five high-level knights, and this is the foundation of our Abraham's ability to suppress the Western Continent!"

"We still don't know the strength of the Qin people! You actually made my Abraham's court pillar so dangerous. If there is an accident with Lifu, I will ask you!"

"Humph! What's the danger in this? Something happened, the old man took it all in..."

The seven elders' expressions were full of indifference, and sneered and looked at the patriarch above.

outside Rome.

Meng Tian led Yu Linwei out of the city, coming and going like the wind.

This time, I received an urgent report that a large number of Roman slaves rebelled on the latest construction project of the empire, killing hundreds of Roman overseers.

Now the rebels have occupied a city, because the previous incident of the Qin army massacred the slaves of Zhentian City to rebel, instead aroused the ferocity of these rebel slaves.

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