Lifu roared, waving the short spear in his hand constantly, but he wanted to break out of the siege.

If you meet two people at will, you can have skills that are close to high-level knights, and there are three thousand military horses around. God knows how many strong people with such skills are hidden in this army.

Lifu was extremely terrified at this moment, and he just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

"Hooho, this head belongs to Yaye! No one is allowed to rob it!"

"Go away! Lao Li, you are the most active every time his mother grabs a head..."


The Qin army was not affected by Lifu's momentum in the slightest, and rushed forward, and the crowd was surging for a while.



The sound of gold and iron fighting was constant, and the more they fought, the more desperate Lifu became.

These Qin soldiers are so powerful!Each of them can be as hard as him!

Being surrounded by heavy siege, even if he is a high-level knight, he is completely beaten.

In this way, after a few breaths, Li Fu was finally subdued by countless Qin soldiers with weapons.

"Report to the general, that person has been captured, please let the general go!"

Several Yulin Guard soldiers pressed Lifu, who was bound by Wuhua, and stepped forward.

"take away!"

Meng Tian didn't even look at it, then drove the Wuxian horse and galloped away.

This time he led the army to expedition, but it was to suppress the rebellion. How could there be such little people as Kung Fu and Li Fu to waste time!

Yulinwei galloped like the wind, and soon, three thousand Yulin arrived at the city of Dange, where the Roman rebels were entrenched.

"Congratulations to General Shangguo!"

Seeing Yulin Wei coming, the general of the Roman legion immediately came to greet him with a respectful look, with a dog-leg appearance.

Meng Tian led Yu Linwei without stopping at all, and went straight to the barracks through many generals who came to greet him.

All that was left was a group of generals of the Roman legion standing at the entrance of the barracks full of smoke.

"I want detailed information on the rebels in the city!"

"Numbers, weapons, arms, and the whole process of the rebellion!"

Meng Tian sat on the main seat of the central army tent and spoke indifferently.

The general of the Roman legion standing below was dripping with cold sweat, and under Meng Tian's military might, he spoke in fear.

"Report to General Qi, this slave rebellion was originally instigated by the former Roman nobleman Mura during the construction of the official road!"

"At first, the number was only about [-], but because the other party has been plotting for a long time, the number of rebels soon reached tens of thousands!"

"Furthermore, the Mula clan led this group of slaves to capture the city of Dange, enslaving hundreds of thousands of civilians in the city, and killed the [-] Roman legions guarding the city!"

"The Mu La clan was originally a family of knights from the previous dynasty, with a strict family style, and almost all the clan members were generals who joined the army!"

"In this rebellion, because of the presence of experienced generals from the Mullah clan, our Roman army has been attacking the city of Dange for a long time..."

When Meng Tian heard the words, his face suddenly turned cold, and he placed his palm on the table in front of him.

"You bastard! It's just a group of slaves and civilians, no more than [-] people! Such a group of trash, you led a [-]-strong army to attack the city, and you have been frustrated repeatedly..."

"What do I want from you, Daqin, with such a wine bag and rice bag?"

"Come on, drag him out and behead him!"

"The heads of the people were hung on the Yuanmen for three days! As an example..."


Following Meng Tian's order, Yu Linwei's soldiers rushed over like wolves, grabbed the Roman legion general and dragged him out.

"General, General, spare your life!"

"It's not that the subordinates are incompetent! It's that the Mu La clan is too strong!"

"I'm wronged, my subordinates are wronged... This is not..."

Chapter 478 Five Hundred Feather Forest Destroys Dange City! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"I'm wronged, my subordinates are wronged... This is not..."


Soon, the Roman general was silent.

"Now, we can have a good talk about the plan to break through Dange City!"

Meng Tian spoke calmly, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him.

In the military tent, the generals of the Roman legions were dripping with cold sweat. Today, they have seen the majesty of the upper country!

"After you leave the military tent, prepare your army immediately!"

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