"An hour later, the siege began. Chachaituo led an army of [-] to attack from the front, Ahri Mo led an army of [-] to attack from the west, and Xike led an army of [-] to attack from the north!"

"The city must be broken before it gets dark! Otherwise, I will hang your heads on the gate to show the public..."

Meng Tian glanced at everyone indifferently, and the generals of the Roman legion were shocked, as if they were being stared at by a wild beast.


0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Photographed by Meng Tian's prestige, all the Roman generals had no choice but to take orders.



With the scorching sun in the sky, Meng Tian stood in the middle of the army in black armor, staring at Dange City in front of him, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

In an instant, following Meng Tian's order, countless troops rushed over like a tide.


"All soldiers, follow me to break the city..."

The Roman legionaries, led by a group of generals, began to attack the city one after another.

On the opposite side, Dange City seemed to be prepared long ago. The weapons for defending the city, such as rolling logs and slings, were already ready. As soon as the two sides had just made contact, the Roman legion suffered heavy casualties.

Under the ravages of rolling logs and slings, the soldiers of countless Roman legions screamed and wailed.


The wall of Dange City is more than ten meters high, although the Roman legions fought hard to attack the city due to the pressure of Meng Tian.

But still at the point of being suppressed and beaten by the rebels of Dange City!

"This bunch of trash!"

A cold look flashed across Meng Tian's face.

As far as the current offensive of the Roman legion is concerned, I am afraid that the city will not be able to break through before dark!

"Mu Duo, you lead five hundred Lin Wei to attack the city!"


Immediately, a captain of the Qin army came out behind Meng Tian, ​​and soon, Mu Duo led the five hundred feathered forest guards to attack the city.


"Yulin Wansheng..."

The five hundred Lin Guard soldiers were fierce as wolves and tigers, and Mu Duo was the first to set foot on the ladder, holding the knife in his left hand to constantly block the attack on the city wall.

"Fire arrows!"

Meng Tian waved his hand, and immediately, more than [-] Yulin guards behind him simultaneously pulled the trigger of the Qin crossbow.

call out!

call out!call out!call out……

In an instant, countless arrows rained from the sky.

Qin Nu's power is so strong, how can it be resisted by the mere city walls?For a time, on the walls of Dange City, countless Roman rebels suffered heavy losses.

The firepower above the city wall was instantly suppressed!


Mu Duo roared angrily and climbed up the tower first, waving the steel knife in his hand, and when the knife fell, someone's head fell...

The generals of the Roman legions were stunned. Their [-]-strong army had been attacking for several days, but now they were directly defeated by the Qin army in the time of a stick of incense!

"Is this the army of the gods?".

Chapter 479 Whoever offends His Majesty the Emperor will be killed without mercy!

"Yulin Wansheng!"

The five hundred feathers of Lin Wei kept roaring, and everyone held a steel knife and followed the ladder left by Mu Duo, and soon occupied a corner of the city tower.

"Stop them, come, go and stop them!"

Seeing that the city wall here was about to be breached, the patriarch of the Mula clan was so heartbroken that he hurriedly urged the soldiers around him.

"The descendants do not kill!"

The five hundred feather forests fought with blood, like a demon who came out of hell, and no Romans dared to resist at all.

"The descendants do not kill..."

Yu Linwei shouted in Roman language.

"Your Highness, spare your life, I was forced!"

"I didn't mean to rebel..."


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