Soon, on the city wall, there were Romans who were afraid of the brutality of the Qin people, throwing away their weapons, knelt on the ground and cried.

With the first example, the "[-]" atmosphere of immediate fear spread throughout the army!

Those Romans who were not strong enough to resist dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground.

"Bastard! A bunch of trash, have you all forgotten the glory of Rome?"

Seeing such a situation, the Mula clan chief suddenly split his eyes and shouted angrily.

"Patriarch, the situation is not good, let's go!"

On the side of the Mula clan chief, a figure wrapped in a black robe grabbed the Mula clan chief, and the two fled immediately.


call out!

Mu Duo shouted angrily, Qin Nu in his hand immediately pulled the trigger, and a black arrow rushed towards the black figure.


However, the black figure flicked his sleeve, and the speed was so fast that the arrow was directly knocked out.

In an instant, the figure escaped from the city tower with the Mu La clan.

"We just left, what about my clan?"

The Mula clan chief was caught by the black-robed man, and he jumped off the city wall in one ups and downs.

"Don't worry! The other members of the Mu La clan are protected by our people! This time, the Mu La clan must be evacuated intact!"

The man in black robe spoke confidently.

Hearing the words, the Mu La clan's expression suddenly relaxed.

However, at this moment, a demonic sword full of evil and murderous aura suddenly appeared and stabbed the man in black.


The black-robed man's pupils shrank, and the murderous aura that almost condensed made him tremble.


The long sword flashed past, and a big head rose into the sky, bringing with it a rain of blood.


The man in the black robe looked at the head of the Mu La clan, who was already in a different place, and his face was ashen for a while.

The target of the sword before feelings was not me at all!

He was forced to retreat by someone with a false sword, but he completely exposed the Mu La clan chief to that person's sword.

"Qin people?"

The man in black robe opened his mouth gloomily, looking at the burly figure holding a black magic sword and wrapped in black armor with blood in his eyes.

"Da Qin, Meng Tian!"

The visitor's face was calm and his eyes were calm. It seemed that killing the Mu La clan just now was just like killing an ant.

"The Qin people have a master like you, and it is reasonable to be able to capture the Roman Empire!"

The man in black robe nodded, looking at Meng Tian's expression showing a little interest.

"Who are you?"

Monty asked.

"You can call me Cain, we are the real masters of the Western Continent!"

Chapter 479 Whoever offends His Majesty the Emperor will be killed without mercy! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"You can call me Cain, we are the real masters of the Western Continent!"

The man in black robe opened his mouth, and his tone was full of pride.

"Master? Wherever the Qin army goes, it is the territory of Da Qin!"

Meng Tian's face turned cold, and he opened his mouth with a gloomy expression.

"Oh! To a small secular dynasty like you, there are many things in this world that you can't imagine!"

"If we Cain were born, even the emperor of your Qin Kingdom would have to respectfully greet him!"

The black-robed man had a proud tone, and his expression was full of disdain.


Meng Tian was suddenly saturated with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Dare to insult Your Majesty, die!"

The killing intent in Meng Tian's eyes almost turned into substance, and the Demon King Sword in his hand suddenly moved.


The man in black robe was about to wave the sword, but the Demon Lord was so fierce that his entire arm was chopped off.

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