"Bastard! You hid your strength before!"

The black-robed man was so terrified that the blood instantly stained his clothes.

"Who told you that the sword just now was my strength?"

A wicked smile flashed in Meng Tian's eyes, and the Demon King's sword moved again.

call out!

After the sword was passed, the man in black robe instantly lost his head, and a big head rolled to the ground.  …

"Immediately take someone to search and arrest all his accomplices!"

With a wave of Meng Tian's hand, the Demon Sovereign sword returned to its sheath, and he spoke coldly.


Immediately, the soldiers of Yu Linwei scattered, and went to capture the members of the Mu La clan and those mysterious black-robed people.

"Cain? The so-called hidden power, but that's it!"

Meng Tian glanced at the corpse on the ground casually, and his eyes were full of disdain.


At the same time, in a lush virgin forest.

"Damn it! Seventh, how do you explain Lifu?"

Inside the luxurious ancient building, the patriarch of the Abraham family looked at the seventh elder angrily.

"I didn't even think about this. Who knew that idiot Lifu couldn't handle even this trivial thing?"

The seventh elder's face was ashen, and his expression was very irritable.

Although Lifu is still nominally a retainer of the Abraham family, Lifu was adopted by him since he was a child.

How much effort he put into Lifu!Unexpectedly, such a trump card was planted on such a simple task!

"Seventh, you didn't listen to the advice, and the family lost a high-ranking knight!"

"You need to explain this to us!"

Many elders looked at the seventh elder angrily, and for a while, the seventh elder became the target of public criticism.

"Second Elder, when I sent Lifu to test the Qin people, you fully supported me! 1.6"

"Why, now that Lifu has fallen, you can't wait to throw the blame on me?"

The seventh elder looked at an old man with a sneer.

"Send Lifu out of the mountain, but you pushed it hard, what does this have to do with this old man?"

Not to be outdone, the second elder sneered.


The patriarch of the Abraham family snorted coldly, stopped everyone, and then said: "The key now is that Lifu has fallen into the hands of the Qin people, how can we rescue him!"

"Patriarch, how can we save it? Although we, Abraham, are powerful, we have never raised an army, so how can we be an opponent of the Qin army?"

The patriarch Abraham said, "It's time to let the Qin people know that we, Abraham, are the real masters of Rome!"

"Immediately send an order to assemble the major collaterals of our clan, establish an army, and be sure to annihilate Yulinwei and rescue Lifu...".

Chapter 480 I want the entire Western Continent

"Abraham, Cain, the Holy Church..."

In the palace in Rome, Ying Zheng frowned and muttered to himself after receiving Meng Tian's report.

"I don't care what these three hidden powers are, today's Rome belongs to me!"

"The Western Continent is mine too!"

"Meng Tian, ​​do you understand?"

After a long time, Ying Zheng's voice rang again in the hall.

"Wei Chen understands!"

Meng Tian spoke respectfully, bowed his hands and exited the hall.

More than a month has passed since the Qin army conquered Rome.

Even though Zhentian City is known as a super project, with the joint efforts of hundreds of thousands of Roman slaves, an outline has been built!

In today's Rome, under the ravages of the Qin army, there has long been a wail, and a group of former nobles secretly always wanted to overthrow the Qin army's rule.

It was night, and the moon was bright.

In a hidden forest.

"Elder, the subordinates have secretly contacted and established a group of troops, a total of [-] people, although the number is small, but the armament is complete, everyone has a horse!"

A middle-aged man dressed in luxurious clothes said respectfully, and in front of that man was the seventh elder of the Abraham family.

"Very good! Xiliu 09, the family has supported you to develop your branch over the years, and it has also paid a lot during this period!"

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